I have a wyze cam V4 in my driveway. Itconstantly alerts to motion due to a shadow of a tree. I’ve turned sensitivity down to 32 but still alerts. I can’t simply turn off motion detection without also turning off all the
smart detection. Help!!
I have a wyze cam V4 in my driveway. Itconstantly alerts to motion due to a shadow of a tree. I’ve turned sensitivity down to 32 but still alerts. I can’t simply turn off motion detection without also turning off all the
You said you are using smart detection, what is it detecting it as, person, animal, etc?
Yes shadows will trigger it and that one is pretty defined, even if you turn it to 0 sensitivity it will probably do it. Using detection zone to exclude all spots the shadow hits during the day is another option, but if you are using smart detections (subscription based) it should be able to ignore it.
I have something similar. I have a tree in clear view of the V4 that sways and cast shadows. I was getting numerous Vehicle Detections of my parked truck. I now have the detection zone for my truck and filters are set to pers, package, pet and vehicle and the motion filter is turned off. The detection for the truck works about 98% of the time. The vehicle event on the events page was the mail man.