Service Advisory - 1/17/2024

:woman_facepalming:t2: They DID find the problem. There was a server issue. THAT prevented cameras from reconnecting to the server after a power loss, reboot, or internet outage.

The camera restarting after a firmware update is not a bug. It will ALWAYS do that, just like when a cellphone reboots after an update. This is expected behavior and working as designed.


And should be fixed by them.

Once again thanks for your input.

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It WAS fixed.

Like, are you just trolling at this point or did you really not read the responses in this thread?

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Thanks for getting on this, but it would have been nice to send out an email blast to the whole customer base addressing it as soon as you knew of the problem - which had to have been soon after the problematic update was issued. Not everyone is on the blog frequently, and I didn’t even think to check here. Just kept restarting and reconnecting to my wifi and trying to figure out what went wrong. If I had known there was a known issue with the update, I would have just waited for it to be fixed instead of wasting so much time, thinking it was a problem with my system.

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It wasn’t an issue with the update, itself. There was a server issue that just happened to coincide with the firmware update.

It took awhile for users to report the issue and for them to pin down that it was a server issue, but when they did they posted the service advisory AND decided to pause the firmware update until the server reconnect issue was fixed.

I don’t check my emails frequently enough for an email to be useful. But I do check the forums before I do an update, so perhaps an email may be useful to some users.

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Hah hah :slight_smile: I don’t check the forums (fora?) frequently, but am always in my email. You do the opposite! I guess it’s best for them to broadcast these problems - once they know about them and once they’ve fixed them - to all contact methods. I know “stuff happens”, mistakes are made and software and hardware get glitches. I appreciate them jumping on it and getting it resolved. I just wish I had known it was an issue on their end, and hadn’t spent so much time and frustration trying to get it “fixed” on my end. Another thing for ME to do is now remember to check the forum if I run into any problem. I was in a long process of moving, so didn’t use the camera or forum for over a year. Cheers!


Not everyone is fixed!
[Mod Edit]

@bigdawg3969 THAT is a different issue, not related to THIS service advisory/thread. It’s really not that hard to understand. :woman_facepalming:t2:

tldr: you’re in the wrong place for that issue.

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I get the server issue. For those of us who aren’t at the camera location, what do we do? There was a power failure after the camera went down for several hours; the camera did not come back up. It is going to be a minimum of 4 months before I am back at the camera location. It seems like Wyze cameras need a full-time babysitter.


Beware, people will say it’s not WYZE fault and say you’re in the wrong Thread.
[Mod Edit (ad hominem)]
Hope you get it resolved.

MOD NOTE: Post edited to conform to the Community Guidelines.

For cameras that you don’t have ready access to, I’d suggest powering them through a third-party smart plug for those (rare) occasions when a power cycle is needed. These can be had for around $6 each (for example). That way, you have a way to power cycle on a different internet ecosystem.

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Like @Loki mentioned, I know some people have put their cameras on a smart plug so they can power cycle the camera that way when they aren’t near the area. I know this doesn’t help you right now, but perhaps it may be a work around in the future?

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Thank you. I did some research years ago, but I couldn’t decide wether to change to a different camera vendor or invest in the smart plugs, so I did nothing. It appears it is time to make that decision.

In this case, the camera was rebooted by a power failure. The other 7- V2’s and V3’s are fine.


Every now and again I have that issue after a power failure or internet disruption, but usually the cams come back up with no issue.

I’d go the smart plug route, personally, as that would be cheaper than all new cameras.

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One of my cameras insisted on not returning, it’s a v3 pro. Despite numerous resets with and without a memory card, restarting the router, etc. nothing made it work for more than a few hours. Finally I tried something different, I turned off my 5 Ghz signal and the camera immediately connected. I reset the camera, reconfigured it and once again it connected without any problems. Only then did I reconnect the 5 GHz signal and it continued working and a few hours later I restarted it just to see if it was able to reconnect and until this morning it is working.

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There was a major power failure that lasted a couple hours after the camera stopped working. The power came back on, it still doesn’t work. How would a smart plug help me. The other 7 cameras (two locations) work.

It doesn’t help you right now. But in the future having them on a smart plug would enable you to power cycle them from anywhere, in case there’s a time in the future they don’t come back up.

A separate means to power cycle a camera can sometimes get it working again. But another possibility in this case is that there was a surge that occurred with the power failure and the camera got fried. Or its power supply got fried. That can happen with any electronic device when there’s a surge related to a power failure. If that turns out to be the case, you may want to consider a whole home surge protector (cheaper and more effective than putting individual surge protectors on every electronic deivice).

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I think this thread should be closed, will just keep dragging on off topic.

The issue was resolved already (that same day). Yes it wasnt great but once we knew it wasnt a specific problem with my cameras, just let them do their thing and they came online at our remote property without having to go on site to reset them.

Admins should close the replies as they are getting into random issues away from the Jan 17/24 event.


I am still having live stream issues on 4 of 5 cameras!! Sometimes it works, but most times it doesnt. Very frustrated.

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