Rules failing 5-21-20

I’m having the same problem today. I’d contact support but all they seem to do for every problem is blame my internet or update firmware which it’s always up to date. My guess is just remove the sensors which is a pain if you have multiple ones and re-add them. I’m guessing something in their newest update broke the rules.

None of my any rules kicked off today. If you go to rules history, today does not even exist. :cry:

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For me, the motion sensors will turn the lights on, just not off. You’d think it would be all or nothing.


If you use Alexa, you can set up a routine that still does work, I just tested it out. I’m going to kill the rule in the wyze app to turn the bulbs off and continue that way.

I am having the same issue. My motions sensors are turning the lights on but not off. Hopefully this is fixed soon.

No schedules kicked off today, There is no May 23 in the rules history either, as Wyze took the day away. Anyone else seeing this?

mod edit merged post

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None of my schedules kicked off today either. :confused: 1st time I’ve encountered this problem. Must be a Wyze server glitch.


Yep just checked and mine didn’t kick off either, on iOS.

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Same here and I’m in Australia. Cameras should have come on 8pm last night (23rd my time) and off 6am (24th my time) this morning. Although it’s the 24th here this morning, both my turn on/off times would have been 23rd in the US.

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I haven’t had any trouble with my rules or sensors turning on bulbs, until today, 5/23/20 now its all messed up.
I restarted the camera with the bridge and now the sensors will turn the bulbs on but the rules are still not working


None of my rules with schedules are working. I even created new ones and they aren’t kicking in. I wonder if Wyze is aware of this issue. :thinking:


Exact same thing here. Motion triggers work, but motion clears are not working at all. Started today.


I am also experiencing the problem. I have a scheduled rule which turn some lights on at 4:15 and and the off at 7:30 am. The lights came on but never turned off. It appears that something has happen after 4:15 am Eastern Time. No Scheduled Rules are being run, when they have in the past.

However, my Device Trigger Rules still seem to be working, even the ones with timed events. Like turn on a light or plug during certain Hours only. UPDATE: The Device Trigger only worked to activate something like a light. however when I set another device trigger to turn off a light when motions has been cleared for at least 1 minute, it did not. so no rules is functioning 100%

I opened a ticket and have been in contact with Wyze, but no results as of yet.


I don’t know yet if they know , I posted elsewhere about it .,we will see .
Holiday weekend , bad timing for this


Well, I just checked and my entry light is still on , after sensor turned it on 20 minutes ago, so the rules are not turning it off

All the blugs and bulbs work with Alexa just fine

I only had about 6 rules so I moved them all to Alexa and everything is working again. Hopefully someone at Wyze is working this weekend to fix this issue.

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I’ve had a support ticket in for a week now, and only gotten form letter answers. Had already tried everything they suggested, and had no response back yet.

I just created Alexa Routines to take care of some of these issues until Wyze resolves them.


Same here - all my bulb rules not working today.