They finally got the time correct:
I catch this guy periodically on my cameras. Looks like he/she has an injured leg.
I had one here for a long time who traveled around with his right front paw off the ground, I named him Gimpy. He always got where he wanted to go and could move quite fast on his good three.
That gang probably has social media. I’ll stick with my small band of critters although last year there were two groups off five
each that showed up on the same night.
I just hope you don’t end up like that woman
Encountered my first yard raccoon today in over 20 years of living in this house. At first I thought he was a cat, but he was wearing a mask.
Maybe he was displaced by the recent hurricanes. He seems to be traveling alone. Luckily his limp did not keep him from leaving over the fence.
Can you tell a raccoon’s gender by its look without becoming intimate?
Not that I know of. If the adult is with a bunch off frisky little critters you can be sure it Mom.
Your gang getting their frequent flyer miles.
Must have been a cousin, My gang flies business class to JFK and not on any of the discount junk yard airlines.