I am new to the Wyze Universe, and am switching over from the Ring Interface.
So far I have 5 Wyze Cameras, 2 v3 Pros, 2 v3 Pans, and 1 v3.
I also have the Plus Subscription.
I also purchased the Wyze branded 256gb SD cards, I was wondering… how much that would actually store, if I did continuous recording, about how many days would that be able to hold vs events or triggers only.
A 256 GB uSD card is going to hold several weeks - sorry, I don’t have a specific answer as the largest uSD cards I am using are 128 GB and most are 64 GB.
Looking in the app at the moment, I see continuous recording to 256 GB microSD cards in one Cam Pan v3 starting 28 February 2024 and one starting 4 March 2024. The same card in a Cam OG shows recordings starting 29 February 2024.
I can’t give any detail about storing only triggered events. I bought the cameras and cards specifically for continuous recording (though events are marked in the app).