With the latest app update, 3.2.7(595), push notifications only work when the app is running in the foreground or background.
I’ve noticed every time the app is launched, the notification bell icon initially is crossed out but immediately gets uncrossed. This makes me think the app is now always turning off notifications when the app gets closed.
Is the expectation now that the app must always be running in the background to get push notifications?
What device are you using the app on? Even if closed, you should be getting notifications from the app. What have you tried for troubleshooting? I would delete the app, restart your device and then install a fresh copy of the app for starters.
What automations do you have running? And that require locations from the app?
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I have a single cam v3 and no automations.
I’ve tried uninstalling the app, resetting the device and reinstalling the app.
Events are all working just fine. Notifications will work if i have the running in background app setting enabled or if i have the app open.
What phone is this? Notification is a server function and sent directly to the phone. Doesn’t matter if the Wyze app is active or not.
I have the Samsung S22 ultra and it works. I’m sure someone here has as S24 ultra and would likely chime in.
I don’t have a Samsung, but I do have an Android. You have to allow the app to run in the background. There’s a disclaimer that says notifications may be delayed if you don’t allow it to run in the background. In my experience, on some apps - not just wyze, the notifications aren’t just delayed they are nonexistent if I turn off the background process. So my rule of thumb is to keep apps that are security related running in the background.