Post your dam AI art here and keep it out of the other threads, it's GROSS šŸ¤®

I think you would like the book. I got the audio book.

Did you try DeepSeek, yet? NASDAQ Stock market went crazy earlier yesterday. I wonder if it will get banned like Tik Tok?

Yep, Iā€™ve been playing with deepseek.

It will almost definitely get banned like TikTok. I will be pleasantly surprised if it doesnā€™t. There is way too much lobbying power at play. The only reason it has a prayer of not getting banned is because it wouldnā€™t really stop anything since they opensourced it so literally anybody can just duplicate it within the USA and the PAFACA bill canā€™t stop thoseā€¦so the big boys dominating the market wonā€™t really prevent anything they want to by lobbying for this one to get banned. This may be part of the reason they open sourced it. A ban would do almost literally nothing for them now. Weā€™ll have to see.

Iā€™m actually more excited to see if they can do something to make a cheap agenic AI from the affordable model. I was already considering paying Open AIā€™s $200/mo crazy high amount later this year after they drop some improved Agent AIā€™s on us. Weā€™ll have to see.

Yeah the NASDAQ was in total chaos after the DeepSeek announcement. It might not be totally over with. Iā€™m just eating popcorn and enjoying the disruption and the show for now at all the tech companies blindsided and caught napping after saying it was impossible to catch up or compete. :man: :popcorn:

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I just remembered that the same author wrote a part II of the series. The first book was scary enough.

@peepeep appetite stimulant in 3ā€¦ 2ā€¦ 1ā€¦


What the :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: did I just watch?!


Itā€™s funny. Wouldā€™ve been better if the fingerings matched with the instrument pitches. :grin:

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A :frog: food band. :grin:


You can play that too, canā€™t you?

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Tasty! :rofl:


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:laughing: nice combo

Heh. Thanks. I didnā€™t combo that one, though, I just boosted it. :grin:

But youi did it without shame, so thatā€™s good. :+1:

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ā€¦Said the Neanderthal population before they just merged/integrated with the European and Asian human population anyway.

Basically if you have European or Asian ancestry, youā€™re already not a full human like others from outside Europe and Asia, but youā€™re rather a sort of hybrid human already. Possibly up to a 3% neanderthal hybrid (some estimates think it could be as high as 10% in some people, but with the limited testing thatā€™s been done so far, the highest theyā€™ve found is 2.5%).

Therefore, if Iā€™m already a hybrid non-full-human, I might as well feel secure becoming a hybrid part machine too. Bring on the technological singularity!

Well, as long as Epstein (didnā€™t die, transformed) and Dr. Gates are in charge we should be good. Both sweethearts of the highest order. :grimacing:


Nvidia guy: faster faster faster no one will be able to cope!

What a downer.

Nabokov? Iā€™m confused (not an atypical state for me).

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Nickname for Jeff Eā€™s shuttle to Fantasy Island.

The aircraft was scrapped in May 2024, as it had not been airborne since 2016 and was accruing storage fees. It was purchased by Florida-based World Aviation Services in March 2020, but after learning of its role in Epsteinā€™s sex trafficking activities, the company decided to dismantle it for parts.

And as long as Iā€™m assassintating character, Larry Ellison?? Really? How can anyone consort with these??

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These are big flies in carverā€™s ointment. :fly: :fly: :fly:

No idea, but wouldnā€™t put it past 'im. These are not regular folk.