Person Detection Update: A New Experiment for Premium Features

Oh, why do you have to bring truth to the Wonderful Wizard of Wyze?
:+1: :+1:

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What really gets me about the email is that you say if we don’t give you more than you feel the service is worth then you are going to charge us for the service.

How is that an incentive for us to capitulate to your demands?

Wow well that’s an. . uncharitable view.

I guess we read the same letter and came away with very different impressions. :flushed:

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I agree, it’s an extreme interpretation. I lost my charitable impression of the company when I received the email encouraging customers to profit off the pandemic.

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I’m a little confused at what’s going on.

I saw a new firmware was released recently, but it only mentions person detection for CMC, not for the free clips. So the person detection is launching for CMC users first?

I created a Wyze account about a month or more before the November announcement that would be removed, but never received the email regarding the pay what you want trial.

While I admit the cameras were pretty cheap so I probably got what I paid for, I have no idea what’s going on and what I will be getting when this program launches come September.

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Yeah it kind of gets more confusing. Sounds as if they accidentally started charging people for the service that’s not in production yet …

Person Detection will be available with and without CMC.
During most of the beta testing PD did not work with CMC. Now it does.

Won’t be true for very long, Angus. See the thread I linked. It’s CamPlus all the way down…

Edit: Gwendolyn says otherwise below.

Cam Plus is becoming available for new users, folks that have already subscribed to CMC (they’re being transitioned to the new service today), and folks that want both services.

The person detection experimental plan outlined here is still intact and we’re looking forward to starting it when app version 2.13 is launched. :slight_smile:


PD with CMC is now called CAM Plus.
We can still have PD on it’s own.
Looks like WYZE values CAM Plus at $0.50 more than CMC per camera monthly. Leads one to believe the going price for PD alone should be $0.50 per camera monthly doesn’t it?


Sounds fair. Thanks for the fancy figurin’. :slight_smile:

(Technically it should be a fraction of that because a CP / CMC user is going to be pushing MANY more seconds of video to be PD analyzed than is a lowly 12 second clip generator…)

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The problem is that some of these companies had no real business model other than signing up as many users as possible with their “free” offerings and using their number of subscribers to entice more investors. Now they are trying to become profitable through bait and switch tactics. Sonoff now requires a subscription to their advanced plan to access IFTTT integration. Presumably this is due to IFTTT charging Sonoff for IFTTT integration. Thankfully, I only have a small number of Sonoff devices that I use IFTTT with. Obviously, this is going to continue to be a problem. I will definitely shift away from using IFTTT when possible,


I really can deal with a lot of the other issues I have as some can be user error or my internet dying on me or even the phone that allows me to open the app but I was on CMC, migrated over to Cam Plus, charged but back to 12 second clips and 5 minute cool off. I had to put in 4 tickets already yesterday because of the update and I really hate putting in another ticket. Wyze probably runs when they see my email. So I guess my question is am I missing something here with the Cam Plus? If I’m being charged for a service I would like to receive that service.

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Only that it’s supposed to be per camera? Other than that it sounds as if they messed up your account. :frowning:

Yea I have no idea. I don’t even know where to find the service to see anything to change. I know that I see a transaction online banking app that the charge was again and yet the cooling down and all is back to pre CMC days. Others who have had CMC are showing Cam Plus features already. Does Wyze have something against me? I’ve had nothing but issues with my account for past year.

In the app, go to Account > Services > CAM Plus. Do you see anything there?

Nope and I upgraded both firmware and app. This is horrible. I’m being charged for a service I am not getting.

Have you checked to see if it shows you are receiving the service? Does the app show you are supposed to be getting it?

If the website and app don’t show you are using the service than it’s a glitch with Wyze as they are not supposed to be charging you

If they show you are supposed to be getting the service than it’s a bug and Wyze needs to fix it.

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