Pepe' Le Pew & Friends

I finally have the ability to contribute video to this thread. We have a fair number of feral and semi-feral cats in the neighborhood. My kids set up a water dispense for them early this summer and I have wanted to put a camera to watch it. My biggest issue was getting power to a camera, but I realized that I had 12V DC power nearby and have some 9-36 volt in to USB-A adapters in stock so hooking one of those up to power a V3 was easy. In the photo below, the camera is pointed out with the red/orange arrow. The cord runs under the door and around the corner by the top step to an 8x8x4 electrical box that has the wiring for the porch steps lights. The water dispenser is under the bench seat - pointed out by the blue/green arrow (although hard to see in this photo).

Location of camera and water dish

Got the first non-feline visitor Friday morning.

And almost 2 minutes later - must have been thirstyā€¦

[Mod Note]: Re-encoded 1st video for proper embedded viewing in web browsers.

First video wouldnā€™t play for me so I fixed it. Hefty gal. :rofl:

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Beat ya! :grin:

Now everyone can watch it twice. :grin:

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How did you re-encode it? I uploaded both videos the same process.
You would think that this forum would accept a video file from the cameras that the forum supportsā€¦

I use WinFF. I have it set to convert to MPEG-4 Preset to MPEG-4 H.264 video (High Quality) You can change the output folder to any place you want the video to be saved but I havenā€™t found a way to make it permanent so I have to set it every time to a place other than my documents.

For yours, I used: because itā€™s quick and easy (drag/drop within browser vs app).

But I usually use either HandBrake or a home-grown tool.

The more important is not the tool, but what encoding change is made?

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Mr. :raccoon: said to use:

Thatā€™s too big, itā€™ll never work. You need something smaller, like this:



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Servatius Josephus :raccoon: is never wrong.

Pssh, know-it-all varmintā€¦ :roll_eyes:

Move over itā€™s my turn. :rofl:


Different wildlife every day, Knock Knock let me inā€¦


yikes yikes yikes

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I donā€™t recommend letting him in!


Just trying to pick up itā€™s take out order.



One of the feral cats in the neighborhood has a bad right front paw. Sure is favoring it. Hope it heals upā€¦

Letā€™s see if this actually displays in the forumā€¦

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