It appears I provided some information that may have triggered their forum spam filter. My last post is being reviews as possible spam. So here it is again but trimmed down.
Update and a bit interesting.
I finished the trouble shooting steps from another email I received from tech support. More of the same, check settings reset the device, reboot your phone, logout and back into the app. Still it did not work. I downgraded the firmware, didn’t work, upgraded the firmware did not work. Took screen shots of all the setting for tech support and started my email reply. In the middle of my reply I decided to do some traffic analysis, maybe it’s my firewall.
I run a fairly robust firewall that has strong web filtering and traffic analysis. First I check my Black Cam V2. It works so let’s start there. Nothing is blocked or flagged. Next I check the PAN Cam I have one blocked entry to the IP address of on port 13282 (TCP). It is being block by a rule I have setup to block traffic to and from a list countries with high hacking and malware sources. It the same list we use where I work. Reverse DNS did not bring up a host name (website) to trace so I used another tool at mxtoolbox and looked up the IP address. This yielded the following. The IP address is owned by a company in China.
Aliyun Computing Co., LTD
5F, Builing D, the West Lake International Plaza of S&T
No.391 Wen’er Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China, 310099
last-modified 2014-07-30T02:24:03Z
I added an exception for this address and rebooted my Pan Cam. Motion detection, tracking and alerts now work, but I am not quite comfortable with having a controllable camera in my house where direct control comes from another country. Why does the Pan Cam need to directly connect to China country for detection, control and notification?
What next?
I disabled the rule on my firewall that allowed traffic to that IP, confirmed that there wasn’t connection session to this IP and port and tested, everything worked. Only found connection to the US and Canada. Next reboot the device from the app and see it would work. Notifications, detection and tracking still work. Full power cycle, unplug and count to 30, rebooted my firewall to confirm there are not sessions still open. No connection attempts to this address or port after the full power cycle and firewall reboot and Motion Detection, Tracking, and notification still works. I will leave in my blocking rule and see if it happens again.
So far it appears to be a one time phone home to China, time will tell.