Ordering Wyze Solar panel for BCP. Wondering about USB-C adapter cable

Not sure if this is the correct location for this post, but am in need of ordering a panel due to having to charge battery every 2 weeks.

My question is, does the panel now come with the USB-C adapter or not? Looking at Amazon reviews it seems as though it’s a crapshoot if you get one with the newer adapter.

Don’t want to order one without the adapter and find out I need it, and don’t want to order an adapter and find out that I don’t.

WYZE Web site is confusing- They show the USB-C adapter for $5.99 but if you go down to what’s in the box it says it is included ? 50/50 chance? :grin:

They offer it as a separate item for those people that may upgrade an older WCO, but already have a solar panel.

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