I have my cameras in groups. There was an on/off button on the home page which made it very simple to turn my camera group off. Now that button is missing and replaced with a Favorite star. I don’t need a Favorite or want a favorite. I’ve been with Wyze since it was a start up company. It was simple to use for ANYONE! Basically plug and play. Now it’s all but EASY! I’m all for change if it makes something work better or easier but it has now become complex! End of Rant. So has the on/off been Moved or Removed and if moved can someone tell me where it is? thank you
If you activate the star (turn it into a favourite) on your camera group it will show in your favourites. There the on/off button is visible.
Amazing! Thank you sincerely appreciated So now I make all of my groups Favorites so I can turn them off and on, That makes a lot of sense.
Glad to be of help!
The software geeks at Wyze must all be teenagers who bore easily, because change for the sake of change makes no sense. Over the years their interface has gotten so convoluted and busy, not simple or intuitive anymore. If something works then leave it alone and focus more on fixing bugs.
I have an android and I hate the way I have to turn on/off cameras. Old way was simple, new way sucks big time. Favorites page doesnt look like habib’s on my phone. Leave it up to the people in the shiny shoe department to screw things up!
Welcome to the Forum, @2upquad!
What you see for cameras on @habib’s screen is a camera Group. A couple of points there:
- A camera Group has an appearance that differs from that of a single camera on the Favorites tab.
- Some people prefer using Groups in the new app because that prevents so many (depending on how many cameras you have) live streams from loading on the home screen every time you load the app. (Personally, I just like organization with Groups, so I have a couple of Groups that have only a single camera in each.)
You can rearrange items on the Favorites tab as you like. These resources might be helpful: