OG & OG Telephoto cam SDCard stops during playback


If you could DM me a record of how you reproduce it. That will be fantastic.

We are working on it now.

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Just now created & submitted: Log ID 1454650
Your understanding is correct. Even w reselecting the timeline, it will stop again.
Watching video playback from sd card, on all of my OG cams, after approx 20-30 seconds, the video just stops playing. The timeline stops.

Someone in the other forum suggested when it freezes, hittng the setting button on top right corner, then hitting the back button (to go back to the video) & it will continue to play (of course cuz the video was refreshed) from where it left off, which I’ve sometimes done so I can continue to watch the video… but again, after 30 sec approx it wll stop playback again. I just now did these steps & created & submitted log ID 1454676

We appreciate your help WyzeDesmond. This is annoying & the issues didn’t occur, for me, until I did an update. I have 2 ipads I have NOT updated & do NOT have this issue on those devices. Playback on the OG’s from the SD cards play back continuously as they’re spose to. I have no playback issues on any of my other cameras.


This was video was posted by @jbordelon in detailing the issue.

When viewing playback from the SD card, the video will freeze every 60 seconds. I found I can get the video to progress by clicking options and backing out twice.

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Agreed. Thank you @WyzeDesmond . If there is anything more you need, please let us know.

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Interesting so sounds like may not a OG firmware issue,
rather a iOS /iPADOS app issue? … @WyzeDesmond

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For me, it happened after software update, & the ios devices I didn’t update are playing the video back from the sd card correctly, no stopping. I’ve never done firmware update on the OG’s. They have the same firmware as when I bought them, which was right after they came out.

Yes, does appear to be an iOS issue. I also have an android tablet, which I seldom use, & it’s playing back the video perfectly (beend running it for 5 min now). Not stopping\freezing on playback.


Thank you all for reply. Yes this sounds more related to the ios app itself. We are investigating and will keep you all posted.


We’re so thankful someone is finally looking into thisWyzeDesmond. Since March, I’ve been told the team is aware of this & working on a fix, but still no fix. I gave up on Wyze fixing this & looked that they gave up on the OG cams. I hope the team is able to fix this.

I have an OG and I am not having any problems with my SDcard playback.

I just tried playing it back for 5 minutes, on 3 different days, without a problem.
I have had my OG for about 13 months and have been using the same ONN 128gb card (not an endurance) without a problem.

I am recording Continuous.
Firmware 1.0.80
Plugin Version
Android phone version 10

Hope you get this figured out. I am going to guess you have a faulty camera or corrupted app/phone,

As I stated above, it’s an IOS software issue.

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FWIW: in my experience it’s not after a certain time. I’ve seen playback freeze after just several seconds or a little more than a minute. This is on iPad and iPhone.

definitely not a specific amount of time other than it is very short.

Agree, I’ve seen it freezes seconds after as well. I’ve seen it go all the up to a minute.

Wow, I just now noticed a box to the right of my typing that says “this topic has been solved.” This would be terrific, I hope so!

It’s not solved. I think @tc10 accidentally pressed it because we finally got the attention of a Wyze engineer.


Did you not see this message on the right side of this message box that yer typing in? That’s where I saw the message (as the photo I attached shows). Usually the box to the right shows what yer typing, this is this the first time I’ve seen this blue box stating the topic’s been solved.

I looked at Wyze’s software\firmware update page, & don’t see anything there. But it could be the figured out the problem, & will issue a fix, hopefully, soon.

WyzeDesmond, do you know if this topic been solved as I’m seeing a box on the right side of this message box I’m typing in, “this topic as been solved.” I’ve attached screen shot above.

A user in another forum responded to the box I’m seeing

"That just means that the person who created the topic at some point marked a post further down in the thread as the solution to the problem or question posed in the original post. It’s not an indication that Wyze has actually resolved any issue.

That’s just the Forum software’s (Discourse’s) way of telling you that the post you’re composing might not contribute much to the discussion. It gives you the opportunity to continue or to choose to spend your time elsewhere. It’s kind of a courtesy feature, I think."

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I have no idea why I pressed Solved !! :upside_down_face:

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Well I’m glad someone from wyze is finally going to look into the issue. It’s ridiculous it has taken this long to get anyone’s attention.