OG Firmware 1.0.82 - No release notes and breaks detection zone?

Maybe for my driveway camera but the others I’ve messed with and it’s still going off out of zone. I didn’t have this issue before the last month or so. Sometimes it’s been so sensitive and out of zone it goes off the nearly every 5 minutes.

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That’s actually another issue that is also fixed with the new firmware. The big green box enters your valid zone, and thus gets considered an event. The 1.0.83 beta firmware fixes that one too.

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Hard to say with that second one, it is very close. But either way you can contact @WyzeDesmond or @WyzeLi and send your MAC address(es) and they can push the 1.0.83 out to them.

In the meantime, if you toggle detection zone off then back on, does the issue stop for a while?

I’m guessing many others are having this issue as well so hopefully they send out an update patch for everyone. I figured it was just a bug and waited a bit before looking at the forum. Just wanted it known it’s not an isolated issue

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Sometimes yes sometimes no. Just very annoying as where the cameras face no one should be walking so I have them set to announce. Not to mention the amount of events that can add up.

I was the first to notice and report it, and yes others are having the issue. However in my case and many others, every car that goes by on that street during the day would fire off an event (well, at most one every 5 minutes due to the cool down unless you have Cam Plus).

You can get your MAC addresses from the settings in the app and they’ll push you the new firmware, has fixed it for me for about 3 weeks now. I believe they are working on an official release but not sure ETA. Only negative effect I’ve seen of the new firmware is occasionally an event that is right at the edge of the detection zone won’t show the green box in the picture that is logged with the event. But it will show in the video. Not a big deal.

Is .83 being released soon and can you side load .80 or not. Release notes just shows black letters no links to old firmware. Or don’t OGs do that?

Last update is the final release of the firmware is still being tested etc, not sure if they have a specific date yet.

It does appear possible to manually load firmware on the OG however they do not make the files available on the site as you’ve seen. You can send @WyzeDesmond and/or @WyzeLi your camera MAC address(es) to get the 1.0.83 update in the meantime.


Thank you, asking for my nephew and forwarded the data. He has the issues with .82 and was asking me how to fall back to .80. Going up to .83 may help him.

I have a bunch of OGs myself and haven’t actually noticed the problem much on mine. May be that my views - settings are different or something.

As far as the issue of detections happening outside of the detection zone after update to 1.0.82 (which could be temporarily resolved by rebooting the cam or toggling detection zone off and back on), 1.0.83 has totally solved it for me. It has been around a month since they updated my cams and has not happened since.

The issue seems to have the greatest impact on people whose cams have a lot of motion outside the detection zone, somehow that affects how frequently the issue recurs. In my case two cams with a car going by every few minutes had the problem resurface every few hours, whereas one at my back door that has very little motion could go for days or even weeks with no problem.


That be it for him I suppose, a street right outside the window.

@WyzeLi @WyzeDesmond Any updates on this topic? I had forwarded the MAC addresses for my cameras but never received an update. The issue still exists and is completely random when it reoccurs, after a toggle of detection settings.

For what it’s worth, Cam OG 1.0.84β firmware was released yesterday. You could try that if you’re so inclined and if you’d rather not wait for another answer.

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Thanks! I had not been keeping track of Beta releases.

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Someone should update to 1.0.84 beta firmware and see if you can roll back to 1.0.83 via microSD manual flash for science.

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Thank you for volunteering, very kind.


You’re welcome! I haven’t (yet) done any beta testing, but I have my Forum Tracking Preferences set to notify me of announcements in the Beta category. You can click to get to the Tracking Preferences page and then under Categories in the Watching First Post box add Beta. I use that to alert me for topics in a few categories. @peepeep created a more detailed guide with pictures.

If you want to be informed of new topics related to specific products, you can set up the same thing on that page under Tags, also in Watching First Post. This may not be useful for topics posted to Beta, because those aren’t always tagged for specific products or platforms. I’ve asked about this in the Forum Operations Feedback Thread, and I know it would be possible to flag new Beta topics and ask the Moderators to correctly tag them, but really the tagging should be done by whichever Team Wyze member creates the topic, at least in my opinion. Just setting up Watching First Post for the Beta category is probably the way to go for now.
