OG Firmware 1.0.82 - No release notes and breaks detection zone?

@TerryL Both cameras have started the upgrade. Please keep watching and see if any false motion alerts received. And please pass me the logs and snapshots as soon as you noticed the issue. Thank you so much!


My cam that went over a week with 0 issues is now back to several times per day. It started about 3 hours after my weekly reboot (and last weeks reboot was fine), so I don’t think it is related to that but who knows.

Any progress on determining a cause? If you need me to install the firmware on my two that are the most problematic I can send my MACs.


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Has there been an update on this issue? I have 2 of my OG cams that disregard the detection zone set as well. Toggling off and back on seems to be about a 20 minutes band-aid.


also… i just noticed… The detection zone i have the areas greyed out that i don’t want detected. But that’s where I’m getting the detections. Just now i had a car in my driveway in the area that should have received detection but i received none. It shows the green motion detection box but no notification.

Hi @dave27,

Is this the camera that we pushed the firmware onto? If so, does it start to detect motion outside the motion detection zone? Could you send me an app log when that happens?

Yes, please. Could you email me the other MACs and we’ll push the firmware for you.

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Hi @bobbyL ,

Could you email me your MAC ID’s at ltan[at]wyze[dot]com? We’ll push a special test firmware for you. Then once the issue occurs, please send me an app log.

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Hi @TerryL ,

Since we pushed the firmware to other two cameras, have you noticed anything wrong?

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No none of my cams have been updated to 1.0.83 yet, they had started behaving better so was waiting to see if they stayed that way, then Sunday morning they both went haywire again. I posted my MACs to Desmond in the chat so once updated I can send logs and videos at the next event (which if it keeps going how it has been the last 2 days, won’t take long).

Probably because one of the false detections reset the 5 minute cooldown counter for events, so the valid detection didn’t generate an event.

Camera 1 updated 08/02 has now gone 4 days without the DZ issue.
Cameras 2 & 3 updated 08/05 have now gone 1 day without the DZ issue.

I will keep monitoring.

Have other users with 1.0.83 had issues and submitted logs?

My understanding is 1.0.83 only adds additional logging for them to try and find the issue, not any fixes. I’ve noticed with mine it is hard to figure out or find a pattern. I had one cam that went a week with no issue, but was having it multiple times a day before that, then it started doing multiple times a day again. This was without changing the firmware or anything else. Another that also does it multiple times every day but went a couple days last week without issue, then started up again.

I’m honestly starting to think it is related to the Wyze server(s) the camera registers with, some of them may have a glitch and if your camera round-robin selects one of those (probably when it reboots or loses its connection for a second) it has the issue. Dunno, all just guesswork at this point.

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My 2 cameras were updated to 1.0.83 on Aug 1st, 4p.m. , there has been no false detection zone issues since then.

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I sent my MAC ID… assuming you received it? I’m still showing 1.0.82 on the cam

I am experiencing this exact issue with my OG cam

Hi @bobbyL ,

I received your MAC ID. Sorry for the delay. I’ve asked my colleague to update your device and it should be done by end of day today. @WyzeDesmond

@TomG Please also send me your MAC ID. Thanks!


Have there been any updates on this topic?
I have 3 Wyze Cam OGs that have been experiencing this randomly. I toggle the Detection Zone setting and it’s ok for a while then the issue returns.

Send the Mac IDs for your cameras to @WyzeLi @WyzeDesmond and request an update to v1.0.83.

I and others who have been updated to v1.0.83 are not experiencing the DZ issue anymore.

Thanks. Will do.

My og cameras have been having this issue as well. Oddly it’s mostly at night with car headlights even though they would not be in the detection zone. And I’m deffinatly not techy enough to do more then help make note of the issues.

That may not be related. The cameras do have some intelligence to ignore light changes, but headlights outside of my detection zone will still reflect into the zone and trigger an event sometimes. If you turn on the motion tagging (green box) is it completely outside of your detection zone?

You can ask for the beta firmware which has solved the issue mentioned in this thread, but if your issue is caused by reflections or light spilling into your zone, it won’t fix that.