OG Firmware 1.0.82 - No release notes and breaks detection zone?

Welp, the factory reset one already had a recurrence of the bug. So I’m guessing the ones where I just made a minor change to the zone won’t be fixed either (since the factory reset one basically has a totally newly created zone as far as the camera is concerned. We’ll see tomorrow but I’m thinking there isn’t much else I can try at this point, it needs to be fixed from the Wyze end.

I’ve had the same issue…definitely occurred right after the update.
Turning the detection zone off and on worked, but (in my case) I have to do it again at least once per day to reset.

Yup, same here. I’ve tried a bunch of stuff including factory reset and still have to toggle it several times per day. I think modifying the detection zone and saving has the same effect, temporarily fixing it. I.e. remove a square and save, add it back and save. But toggling is easier.

Have exhausted everything I can think of including factory reset. Do users need to open a ticket on this or is it already known and being worked? Is there any way to roll back to 1.0.80? This is causing a lot of false events/alerts and also stressing the SD card in the camera I have set to record motion only (its a cheap non-endurance card).


My 2 OG are also having issue with detecting zone after the1.0.82 update.
I’ve toggled off and on several time but no luck.

For me toggling helps for anywhere from a couple hours to over a day, seems to depend on how “busy” the area is. So it may be working for you for a while then going back to having the bug.

@WyzeLi Any feedback on a fix, rollback, or permanent workaround? This is a real nuisance and causing extra wear and tear on my memory cards.



Can we get an update on this issue? Is there a ticket already opened and being investigated? Any ETA? In the meantime, any workaround or rollback to 1.0.80 possible?

Thank you


Also tagging

I activated my first OG camera July 12, 2024. It subsequently was updated to 1.0.82. detection is also broken and triggers on events outside of the detection zone.

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Checking now. Sorry for the waiting


Hi @dave27,

Apology for the wait. Here’s the motion tagging work currently.

The motion tagging will draw a bounding box of the biggest movement in the entire livestream regardless of the motion detection zone. We suspect that the small motion inside the motion detection zone triggered the event, but motion tagging drew the green box of the biggest motion outside the box at the same time, making it look like the bigger motion triggered the event.

This is an example from one of our users. The reflection of the car on the car window could trigger the event.

However, I looked at the video you sent me and it looks like nothing inside the detection zone could’ve triggered the event. So we’re still checking… But do you think your false alarms could be caused by the logic discussed above?


This may apply to that user, but on my cams (I sent example video and screen shot of my detection zone to @WyzeLi) there is 100% definitely no motion in the detection zone nor does the green box go into the detection zone. Every single car that drives by throws an alert every 5 minutes, even though they are far, far, far outside my very small detection zone on that camera. This started with the 1.0.82 update, nothing else changed, same camera, same detection zone, etc. The only change was the upgrade to 1.0.82. Toggling DZ off and on fixes it for a few hours, then it starts happening again.

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Here are pictures of my detection zone and 3 false detections from today. This camera is literally just for “someone is definitely at the door” or “a package has been delivered” notifications so the DZ is very small.






here is my OG. the version 3 camera it replaced never did this so extremely.


@dave27 @robughblah Thanks for all the screenshots and videos. Let me work with the dev and I’ll give an update here tmr.


Hi @dave27 @robughblah,

We made a special firmware to collect more logs for motion detection zone issue. Would it be possible to flash this onto your device and send us the log when the issue occurs again? I’ve shared the 1.0.83 firmware file with @dave27. @robughblah could you send me your email address to ltan[at]wyze[dot]com so I can share you the file too?

Flashing Instructions:

  1. Prepare an SD card formatted in FAT32, preferably without any other files on it.
  2. Place the attached bin file onto the SD card.
  3. Power on the device; it will automatically upgrade. The device will announce the upgrade process.
  4. After the upgrade is complete, format the SD card in the app settings interface.

Log Retrieval:

When you encounter an issue during testing, you can either submit the log or send the log from the card to us.


Not sure if it will help … I have sent info on Log ID 1514195 with photos. I have the full videos to upload if requested.


Hi @TerryL ,

From your photos, it seems like you showed up inside the motion detection zone at 10:34:16 which would trigger a motion event. But if you move outside the motion detection zone and never appear inside the zone, the camera should not trigger an event.

We also have a special test firmware 1.0.83 for testing. We will push that firmware to your device. When you encounter an issue during testing, you can either submit the log or send the log from the card to us.

cc: @WyzeDesmond


Hi @WyzeLi,

I confirmed the 1.0.83 update to my OG cam at 2pm on 08/02.
However, the DZ issue has not reoccurred since then on this camera.

I have 2 other OG cameras and the issue has occurred multiple times in the last 2 days.
I have submitted Log ID’s 1516718 and 1518269 for these 2 cameras.

Would it be possible to push 1.0.83 to these cameras?
[Unfortunately my laptop does not have an SD Card port so I cannot read/write SD Cards]


cc: @WyzeDesmond