OG Firmware 1.0.82 - No release notes and breaks detection zone?

Just checked my router logs and when one of my cameras started doing it again this morning it had not disconnected from wifi (nor did it for many hours before or after). I was thinking maybe when it reconnects it pulls its config from Wyze or something and was getting something corrupted, but that’s not the case. So who knows what is going on.

Another point of reference, the bug does not resurface on all cams at the same time. Just had one go back to alerting in the grey area, and waited to do the toggle fix until something went through the grey area of another one with the issue, and that one did not alert or log an event. So then I toggled just the one where it had started up again. I suspect the others will need a toggle later today.

I hope Wyze is aware of this and working on a fix…

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Hi @dave27 and @spamgoesintrash ,

To quickly summarize your issue here, your OG camera is detecting motion outside of the motion detection zone after updating to fw 1.0.82 and toggling off and on motion detection zone fixes the issue. Is this correct?
Would you submit a log so we can take a look too?


Yes that is the issue, however toggling only fixes it temporarily, it comes back after a few hours to a day (it varies, have not figured out what triggers it to have the issue again).

Just sent a log from the OG that most recently had the issue and was toggled. ID 1495871

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Thank you! We will take a look! Would it be possible to share us the detection video? If you don’t want to post it here, you can send it to my email. It’s ltan[at]wyze[dot]com.

Sent, along with a screen shot of my detection zone.

The video I sent is the very beginning of the detection/event. I stopped it after like 5 seconds, the next 30 seconds had nothing.

Awesome! I received it. Thank you so much!

For reference, it is a fairly busy street, every car that goes by when the bug is happening triggers recording to SD, and an event every 5 mins (since I don’t have Plus). As soon as I toggle it off and on, not a single car going by triggers recording or an event/notification, until the next time the bug resurfaces.

Same for another OG that is facing that same street in another direction. No cars ever set it off unless the bug is happening, then every single car (or anything in the grey zone, even someone walking) does.

Below is a list of the first invalid event after each time the problem resurfaces since I’ve updated the firmware. Obviously this may not line up exactly with the logs since it requires motion, but at least during the day, a car goes by on average every 1-2 minutes, more frequently morning and afternoon.

If the log shows detection zone being turned off or modified before each of these times, it was NOT me. Any time you see zone disabled and re-enabled within a few seconds after these times, that was me.

Friday 7/19:
10:31AM EST (not long after updating firmware)

Saturday 7/20
4:36PM EST
8:03PM EST

Sunday 7/21
9:09AM EST

Monday 7/22
5:57AM EST
11:29AM EST
1:21PM EST

I guess I’ll send a log also,
#: 1496042

12:48pm pdst
that’s me manually toggling the detection zone off/on to temporary reset it for a few hours.

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@dave27 @spamgoesintrash thanks for sending the logs. Weirdly, we didn’t find anything useful to identify the cause. Do you remember if this issue existed on firmware prior to 1.0.80 or 1.0.80?

Definitely never had the issue up to and including 1.0.80, it started right after the upgrade to 1.0.82, almost immediately. The only other possibility is that when the cameras rebooted after the update, they downloaded some new config or whatever from Wyze that corrupted something?

I’ve had these cameras in the same place for about a year now and update the firmware when it says it is available (not beta, just production). Detection zone has always been similar, just minor adjustments and tweaks.

The bug resurfaces multiple times per day on all 3 OGs with detection zone set and the new firmware.

Only other thing I can think to try is a factory reset of the cams and re-add them but that’s a bit of a hassle, would rather not do that unless it is deemed necessary.

I don’t know if this’ll help or not, but since I’m watching this topic I figured I’d set a detection zone on my single Cam OG that currently has firmware version 1.0.80. (I had no need to use a detection zone on this camera in its current location, but setting such a zone won’t have any adverse effect for my purposes.)

I agree with the discussion leaning toward a potential problem with the 1.0.82 firmware. Aside from checking periodically to make sure the detection zone remains set, is there anything anyone here would like for me to check while this camera is still on the 1.0.80 firmware? If it would be useful to do the upgrade and note other before-and-after observations, then I’m willing to do that, too.

Thanks for the notes! It’s odd as we didn’t change motion detection related logic on 1.0.82. We’ll double check our changes.

Thanks @Crease. You can stay on 1.0.80 for now. I’ll check what we can do and circle back to you.

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My next test was to hard (power) reboot the 3 problematic cams (after soft ejecting the SD cards of course). We’ll see if that makes any difference. I guess next step after that is to factory reset and reconfigure one of them to see if that makes a difference.

I’ve also noticed that the frequency of recurrence seems to be less on the cam that has a lot less motion outside of the detection zone (but similar amounts of motion in the detection zone, maybe even more). May just be coincidence though.

Depending how frequently that cam has motion in the non-detection zone it seems it can take anywhere from a few hours to a day and a half before the problem arises, but I suspect it won’t happen on 1.0.80.

A good test might be to disable the zone before you upgrade to 1.0.82, then enable it, maybe something to do with it being enabled before the upgrade is related. But if/when I factory reset one tomorrow that will essentially be the same test.

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That seems like a reasonable thing to try, and I appreciate the suggestion. I’ll hold off on the upgrade for now as @WyzeLi advised and await further input.

After my “hard reboot” test, one has already re-started the bug (wasn’t immediate, probably about an hour later). Guess I’ll pick one to factory reset and see what that does.

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Here is the latest test. Will know tomorrow if either worked.

There are two cams that the issue is especially noticeable on as they have a lot of motion outside the detection zone.

OG #1 - Remove SD (eject via software then physically), factory reset, hard power reboot, delete from app, re-add, re-install SD card, and re-configure from scratch including the detection zone. Same exact zone as before from a screen shot.

OG #2 - Added one additional grey block to the detection zone (additional exclusion block). Just to see if modifying the zone may somehow help.

There is a 3rd OG that is less frequent motion outside the zone, so not as noticeable but on that one I removed a grey block from the detection zone (made one more block active). Don’t think that would be any different than adding a grey block above, but why not try it.

We’ll see what happens.

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