This news story got me wondering if anyone on the Wyze forum has seen drones flying around your home.
I’ve had one fly above trees in my backyard this past September. I think one of my neighbours kids was probably testing it or something. The noise was driving me nuts as it was in the middle of the afternoon. It only happened once as far as I know.
Maybe making a plan to steal the guys old cars.?
I have flown my drone many times in the neighborhood. But, I am normally just under the 400 foot AGL limit. You can’t hear it, and even if I was looking at the ground, it is far enough away that people are not much more than dots.
Unfortunately, not all drone pilots are responsible.
That’s what I was thinking, especially with the shady getaway.
I hate :drones:
I like @K6CCC , though. I just think he’s misguided.
That is interesting. I periodically see a flashing light throughout the night in the same location. Never is near my house though.
If a drone is within the 400 foot AGL limit of your house, you should be able to legally do something (such as shoot a net to capture it, etc.). My biggest issue with drone laws is that even though it’s illegal to fly within 400 ft of your house, if someone violates that, you can’t legally do anything about it besides call law enforcement, and they don’t have any way to do anything about it either to find out who it is unless they suspect it’s related to national security (and not even then in many cases). If you do anything (Jam it, shoot, shoot a net at it, anything) you’re subject a federal felony. There are currently no legal self defense or privacy measures you can take unless the drone has guns on it or you can clearly prove that it’s intending physical harm and being used as a weapon for physical trauma.
That’s just crazy to me. Drone laws absolutely need to change to give people more discretion and means to deal with them.
At minimum, Drone laws should allow people to “net” or capture the low flying drone harassing them at their property (peaking in their windows, scoping out whether the house is empty, loud buzzing at all hours of the day/night so people can’t sleep, shining lights in your windows, etc). Then if the person wants it back, they can send a formal request with proper identification so they can get it back and so the other person can properly identify and sue them for what they did.
IDK, it’s just insane to me that there is nothing that can be “legally” done…seems like a huge loophole.