Neighbor using either a laser or LED light to shut my camera off constantly

I think my neighbors are blocking my camera with an either an LED light or a laser. How do I deal with this?

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Welcome to the Wyze User Community Forum @jackieruby! :raising_hand_man:

Please provide some details as to why you believe this is the case. Both would show video evidence on the SD Card recording when the cam lens is hit with a tight beam device you have mentioned.

Cams going offline is a normal occurrence when on a weak or improperly configured network and is more easily troubleshot than what you have mentioned. It is very highly unlikely that LED or Laser is being used. It would be more likely that a WiFi interruption device is used.


Of course the cams online state can fluctuate from heartbeat issues too or bugs in the firmware. There could be networking compatibility issues.

It can also just be a Wyze app issue since they don’t keep trying. Its tries not long and gives up. The cam can come back up after that. Its just the idea they had when they thought of it.

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They blocked my signal by putting a huge light out and I could see nothing on my cam. My other ones worked fine. I had a picture of everything blurred with light flashes. I had to restart my cam and everything up again. At first I thought they were jamming my cam. It’s not even looking at their place and is looking on my , at my car and my back door. The only thing I can see of theirs is a bit of their car parked behind the trellis there. I saw someone come there and do something over there and a few minutes later there was a flash of light and my picture was lost. This keeps happening after I turn it back on. Then, somehow, only that camera was shut off this morning right after her car must have left because it was there a few minutes before.

Bright light can indeed cause the cam to get washed out. Its not being shut off though from that. You can leave it face down on a table and it will stay on.


Those are two separate issues. The flashes of light that I saw just completely obscured the camera so I can see nothing. Then, I wondered if maybe they had a Jammer. Actually I shouldn’t say they, because it is a woman who lives next door, but her family keeps coming, and there are always lots of cars in the driveway, and I think one of them had the idea probably. I haven’t talked to her because she’s a jerk. Tried to befriend her when she moved in a couple of months ago but she is not a person I really want to talk to… I think she is jealous and just trying to be mean. Or maybe she thinks I am spying on her.

One thing you can do, is to get a second camera as redundancy with overlapping coverage. They are unlikely to hit both cameras at the exact same time with a light, so while they hit one, you can review on the other to see what they are actually doing.

It might also help you figure out if both cams are losing connectivity at the exact same time. However, if there were the case, then it is likely everything on your internet would also go down and nothing would be working. If you still have some things working, then it is less likely to be a signal attack issue.

Personally, if I had a neighbor that I suspected was attacking my cameras, I would just keep adding more of them, not use fewer. To me, it would tell me that maybe I should add more protection after all. Especially in a “coldwar” type of situation like this, I would make sure to have overlapping coverage from more than 1 camera now.

Though I am just telling you what I would do. You will have to take your own situation and what you are comfortable with into account for yourself.


LOL. Thanks, I like that solution. I could put 20 of them there and keep her busy all day.

I have 25 cams on the perimiter, all with overlapping fields of view. On two of them, the houses across the street have lights that will wash out my cams. One starts his truck with the headlights on and sits there for 20m before pulling out. The other leaves the porch light on and it will wash out the video.

The connectivity issues are most likely a loss in WiFi with your router. Some cams are more likely to go offline than others. If they were using a WiFi disrupter, all your WiFi devices would go offline at the same time.

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Does not bother my internet or my Wi-Fi and my phone or the other cameras. Just that that’s facing her side. It’s inside my window also, so it can’t be tampered with in any other way. I need to keep it at that angle because it’s the only way I can see my driveway and some of it is pointing towards her and I guess she doesn’t like it. Maybe I’ll see more than two wheels on her car.

Why do you need 25 cams? Just curious.

Can you post some event videos of this? So we can see what it is that your seeing. Maybe some fresh eyes on it will be able to tell what’s happening.

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Well I got 24 cams…LOL
Looks like SlabSlayer has me beat :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Edit: On 4+ Acres


I already deleted them, because I delete everything every day from my SD card. Whatever I want, I download to my gallery. I didn’t think of saving the ones where you you can’t see anything.

You format your SD card in the camera every day? That is the only way to delete the SD card footage.

You don’t download SD card clips to your gallery, you use the manual record function in the playback viewer to save various length clips to your device. You may be thinking of cloud clips in the event viewer. Those are your cloud saved event clips, not your SD card footage. Those are the ones that you download to your device from the cloud. These cloud event clips you can delete one by one.

Even if a clip is mostly blocked out by light there would still be clues as to what is happening.


Next time it happens I will save it. I just automatically delete all the ones that are there at the end of the day. Unless I want something special, which, like I said, I will save it to my gallery before I delete.

You guys have a lot of cams I only have three. But then, I don’t have 4 Acres.

The videos that are viewed in the event tab right?

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I erase everything that has been recorded every day except the ones that I download to my gallery. I uncheck those.

I probably don’t “need” 25 cams. But when you start feeding an addiction, it is hard to stop. At 25 though, I am small potatoes. There are users here in the forum in triple digits.

I have 3 cams on each side of the house and garage, left-center-right… with cam lookalike IR Blaster lights on the corners, and then one over each entry door, one inside each entry door to the house and garage, and then a couple in the garage. I only have one in the house.

The best reason for having them is explained by the reaction I see in the cam when some knucklehead ne’redowell walking down the street looks both ways, then turns around to look behind them to be sure noone is around, and turns to walk up behind the house and garage thru the yard. Once they look up and see the cam, then quickly look left and right realizing there are half a dozen more, it is pure deer in the headlights O.S. terror and then a quick detour back the way they came. If I can produce that fear every time I will put up 100.