Two v3 cameras mounted at right angles to each other, mounted on a waterproof enclosure with a 32000 mAh USB power bank inside. The cabling still needs work. This setup powered one v3 for several days with continuous recording and LED off. Two v3 might kill it in a day. Plan is to change recording to events only which should extend run time considerably.
Very nice setup and thanks for sharing. There is another person on here that did something very similar. I’ll see If I can find his post and link it here.
LOL, well wouldn’t you know…it was you that I was thinking of.
Nice idea. The only drawback is that the box could be a bit shorter. Was that the best fit available?
Oh, also beware that someone recently observed that the V3, unlike its predecessors, may not run longer than 30 minutes once it loses an Internet connection. You might need to add a mobile hotspot to that box…
What do you think of this solar panel for use with that power bank? I am interested in your thoughts re: the “auto-optimization charging feature”, as I am considering its use with an Outdoor in a tree.
We have thick woods about 500 feet from the back of the house so there is a lot of wildlife that comes to visit. Raccoons, coyotes, possums, groundhogs, deer, and an occasional skunk
Why that starlight sensor was not included in the outdoor cam is beyond me? Maybe it consumes too much power for a battery operated cam? Obviously R&D was being done on the outdoor cam at the same time as the v3…
This is version 3. Version 2 was just the same type of box but larger that was still cramped inside.
Since the discharged power bank needs to be swapped with a fully charged power bank, loosening and tightening 4 screws would result in worn plastic (and lost screws) in a few months. Version 3 is both larger and offers easy access to the power bank with a hinged lid. This is IP 65 rated.
Sure hope nobody walks off with this. Wife doesn’t know how much I spent but the end result got a high mark. She enjoys the wildlife.