Motion sensor false alarm

I have 10 motion sensors. All current V2. After first install with HMS, no problems. No false alarms (all on in away mode, 1 on in home mode). Then, the adhesive started to give way one by one. After the first two hit the floor, one while I was home, the second when I was away triggering an alarm, I reinstalled all of them with double sided 3M adhesive and they all stay now. BUT… The two that hit the floor would NOT work. False alarms in test mode instantly and constantly. Couldn’t get them to work. What I did was do a hard reset by pressing the button for like 5 seconds, pulling the batteries, deleting the sensor from the app, replacing the batteries with brand new platinum batteries (cost more than the flipping sensor), doing another hard reset, and then introducing the sensor as though it were a brand new install. Both sensors got the hint I wasn’t happy and straightened their act up. Both behave like model sensors now.

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