There’s a separate #roadmap topic for that. Please visit it and VOTE at the top left of the topic.
Implement grid based detection zone, so we can mask/filter moving items e.g. trees, scrubs, leaves.
I have the same issue, was looking here for advice!
One solution, now that Wyze Sense is soon to be available for general order, is to use a Sense motion sensor to trigger the camera. It uses passive IR, so less sensitive to small non-warm motions. And bonus, there’s no 5 minute cool down on Sense triggered clips. Only downside is they are not rated for outdoor use.
I say leave well enough alone. Im glad t this $25.00 dollar camera detect EVERYTHING. What I would like, is having the detention time extended to more then 12 seconds.
@Loki what happens when you use it outside? Some people use the wyze cam outside even though you’re not supposed to…
My understanding is that it voids the warranty.
However there are many ways to enclose them to protect them from the elements, ranging from commercial covers to simple things like clear plastic bottles.
The forum has lots of these suggestions.
Yes, a constant issue living in a cul-de-sac at night.
So much wasted alerts and video uploads to their servers for headlights shining on my driveway. A duration setting may prove helpful here in the meantime.
Live on a dead end street with a sign at the beginning that must be written in Sanskrit given the number of people who race down and turn around at the end - right in front of my cams.
As pointed out, they are not warrantied for outdoor use. Unlike the cameras, they won’t work if put behind clear glass or plastic (the IR reflects off those materials). If you were going to do this, you would want to make sure they were very well sheltered from above.
Temperature might be an issue. From the support site:
- The sensors have been rated for a minimum temperature of 32F. While they can function in lower temperatures, being in those environments may cause battery life to be reduced.
You may be able to find Lithium button batteries to replace the alkalines that ship with the sensors and these may work better in cold temps.
Range might be an issue for an outdoor placed motion sensor. From the Support site:
The PIR Motion Sensor has an effective range of 26 ft, but this will vary based on where you place it, and the orientation of its placement.
Most straightforward way to do this without having to send data to the cloud is to run a basic face detection algorithm on the camera itself - which will help to reduce false alarms. Modern machine learning techniques can compress the models down and have them run efficiently in realtime. May require a small increase in hardware cost, though.
Ignoring leaves and shadows will be great idea with WYZE cam, Will be great feature to have.
they could just add PIR sensor which is a few bucks,
integrate the PIR and pixel will be good enough
They do have a PIR sensor. It’s called Wyze Sense and you can get it here: Home Monitoring & Automation – Wyze
i mean intergrated, both physically and software wise so that
(1) remove the false positive from camera AND pir sensor
(2) know exactly the detection area
not like the attached pic
right now the PIR used at outdoor is miserable
it can catch truck passing by over 100 feet away, but can barely catch people with 6 YRAD away (horizontal distance).
Detection algorithm should be improved in these use case:
- small bug flying by
- tree blowing in the wind
It’s in testing phase… Has it always says that?
Hey there,
Testing may mean it’s in the beta software or internal testing. The Wyze Team works all the kinks out before releasing it.
Here is my low- ech solution until Wyze provides more configuration options for the Motion Sensor. I am blocking the right side of the sensor with painters tape and it is not picking up motion on the tree side where leaves keep dropping and sun shadow keeps moving. Please see the picture I am uploading![Low-tech0|690x318]
Unfortunately I can only upload one picture.