Morning Nose bump

Just saying Hi to his V4 friend.


I think YOU are the friend he’s saying hi to.

I thought @Antonius found a growth on his nose when he woke up, upon reading the title.

I’ve already had the bridge off my nose filleted by the evil skin doctor removing some Basal Cell Carcinoma. :grin:
And just for you the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service say to eat more of these critters because they a destructive pest and taste good.

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That’s funny. I saw that report this morning. I hope it doesn’t become mandatory or a necessity to eat them. If they allow farming, I may have to start a new business. They are easier to catch in the pool.

My father bought an Ott light to read by. It wasn’t meant to be sat under for hours and hours. He got skin cancer on the top of his head. Took quite some time for it to heal.

I’ve had Mohs Surgery 6 times on my face and once on my right ear to remove Basal Cell carcinoma. I have another one scheduled for April 10th. All sun damage from 40-50 years ago. :grimacing:

So…I was the only one thinking cocaine?



When you get to our age, only nose bumps we are concerned with are whether they are cancerous. :old_man:

Clapton’s got more than a few years on me, and I ain’t really down with the booger sugar, unless it’s being used to treat epistaxis, but even then it’s delivered in solution.

Fun (for me, at least) side note:

You should submit them to Merriam Webster, along with Wookie Stains.

I just thought it was funny that no one had apparently used that word or phrase in the Forum before. I think I’ve seen @peepeep point out similar things before, like when a word or phrase had been used only once previously in a post somewhere. :man_shrugging:

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These guys seem to like to travel in pairs.

I had to split the one minute video in to two parts because of the Wyze Forum file upload size limit.


The :raccoon: gang here usually travel in pairs also. This morning one came at 4:05 AM and another one a 4:54 AM. Must have been singles night. :laughing:

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I like this line:

:musical_notes: Cocaine’s for horses, it’s not for men

Had to look that up. :thinking:

:point_up: Morning thread bump. :grin:

I didn’t even know that was a line[1], so I looked it up, too, and found it in several different “Cocaine Blues” songs, including one from the 1920s by Luke Jordan. Wild.

Then I looked up the connection to horses and learned something. Thanks for the pointer, Cocaine Frog!

  1. Not a line of coke, so no pun intended. :zany_face: ↩︎

Put a little on the top of the camera. :man_mechanic: