Thanks for posting picture and persisting. I brought this shortcoming to their attention back in early 2018. Still unsure if anyone in leadership at Wyze even owns a tablet and uses their own app on it. Otherwise how could this be allowed to continue? It’s become comical at this point. @UserCustomerGwen
I’ve given up on Wyze. It’s apparent they are primarily focused on introducing new products and not supporting existing ones. Enjoying viewing my Ring cameras in landscape mode on my iPad. The playback viewing is much superior to Wyze cameras.
you wouldnt think itd be that hard, they have it half way there already – if you leave the iPad app with a camera on, then go back to the app, the view is in portrait.
maybe its the "iTunes-ification’ of the app, trying to have one app for all WYZE products?
Thanks for bring it up back in 2018, and here we are in 2021… THREE years…give or take a month or three…but hey, what’s another month or four? Apparently nothing to WYZE Corp.
You bring up a great question, does anyone at Wyze actually use an iPad or Android Tablet with their Wyze Cameras?
I can only conclude that the do not. I use my ipad in Landscape Mode Everyday. Everytime I get an alert, I tap to see what it was, and begrudgingly turn my iPad Pro with the attached keyboard to PORTRAIT and want to reach out to Wyze and virtually strangle someone for leaving the app in this state for the last three years.
Is Wyze Corp really going to let this fester in this state FOREVER?
Is anyone from Wyze Corp even listening anymore?
@UserCustomerGwen are you there? Are you still working for Wyze Corp? Would you please step up to the podium and give us the current status of this three year old issue? Do you know what an iPad is?
I’m sorry to get snarky here, but from what I can see here, this has become more of a forum for venting due to what appears to be very little feedback from Wyze Corp on this issue.
927 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for iPad App
927 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for Android Tablet App
Have a nice day,
So, I thought I’d provide some feedback on the V3 Camera at:
and, in doing so, I have apparently posted something that “… did not meet all our website guidelines.”
Can someone educate me as to what about the following triggered the algorithm?
In a nutshell, my full text of my posting was as follows:
Wyze App on iPad in LANDSCAPE MODE does not work
Until the Wyze App is working in Landscape Mode, natively on an iPad and Android Tablet, it is not usable. Would also like to see RTSP and/or ONVIF on your cameras so I can use it with my QNAP QVRPro NVR software or Blue Iris Software
Will Recommend when iPad app works as a native iPad app in Landscape mode, and Wyze has an app on a PC/Mac that can view all cameras (I have 15 total), and it works with ONVIF and/or RTSP so I can monitor it via Blue Iris software or QVRpro on my QNAP NAS
I also posted five pics of examples of it not working (as I’ve done here a few times)
The V3 Cam, as does all the Wyze Cam relies 100% on the Wyze App running on an iPad or Android device, correct? And if that Wyze App does not work well on an iPad in Landscape Mode, wouldn’t that be something that would be within the scope of providing feedback about?
I wish the Wyze staff that “… has read your review and values your contribution even though it did not meet all our website guidelines” would of valued me enough to point out what my transgression(s) were, so that I could seek forgiveness for those transgression(s), and provide feedback about the usability of the Wyze app on an iPad in Landscape Mode in a way that doesn’t upset the Wyze Staff again.
My goal is to educate other potential purchasers of this shortcoming of the Wyze App, so that they don’t turn out to be disgruntled Wyze customers that are sad that they have software that must be used in Portrait mode only.
Help me to save others from venturing into this potentially unending forum looking for, wishing for, begging for that simple little feature of … a native Apple iPad App and/or a native Android App to use with their OTHERWYZE great cameras
928 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for iPad App
928 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for Android Tablet App
My review was published, still not sure what my transgression was on the initial posting, i’ll be more than willing to update this to five stars when the Wyze app is able to play nice as a Native iPad App.
Posted: 05-22-2021
932 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for iPad App
932 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for Android Tablet App
Whelp… That’s it in a nutshell. Superman urinating into the wind has just about as much effect as trying to get the Wyze company to commit to fixing this single most glaring issue Regarding their key software program.
I seriously doubt that your post in any way broke any Journalistic rules, rather, it probably just poked the hornets nest. I’ve invested a lot of money and time in the Wyze devices. Not all were great and certainly not all were bad. It’s not that their products are not a good value because they are. The way I see it is the problems encountered by the vast majority of users who post on these forums are either ‘software issues’ or things that a ‘firmware update’ broke.
I like that they are expanding with new products, nothing is wrong with growth… UNLESS, it comes at the expense of not maintaining customer support. To blatantly disregard consistent and numerous requests (and something supported by almost all of Wyzes competitors, is a matter of poor judgement on behalf of the companies steering committee. I have no doubt that this reply will never see the light of the Wyze boardroom, but it should. These are my own personal thoughts garnered thru many years of IT support and customer service gigs…
Much like “A happy wife makes for a happy life”, it is my firm belief that “A happy customer base makes for a successful, growing company (along with sound business practices)”
I suppose now the excuse mail will flow unabated. Sorry for the lengthly post but it needed to be said again.
The irony in this statement … it just burns.
Don’t get me wrong, as far as I am aware, Gwen is not an app developer and as such, is just trying to tell us all in a fashion that is ‘more human’ what is told to her.
But, iOS/iPad OS and to a certain extent macOS is already quite capable of aiding people with disabilities. So, making the app ‘universal’ is going to make it better in that regard. Also, with the app being ‘universal’, certain aspects of actually using the app will fall under the OS in terms of use. So, questions about rotation, and increasing text sizes and verbal button pressing etc will all fall under Apple’s guides, and fewer people using the WYZE app will have to ask questions here … allowing WYZE to focus on other things, like releasing even more products to the masses, or fixing firmwares or heck, even adding more features to the single most important aspect of the the entire system … the APP.
Just one shining example of the LACK of disabled awareness in the app … its main colours. The contrast of the white on that teal is not high enough. Most of the time I can not see what version app I am running, and that’s not just because of teal on white, but also the size of the text … sorry, the list is growing … but my main point is, if the app is made universal and follows the HIG, a great many people are going to be happier customers.
I like my cams, and I need them for certain things. I have gone from v1, through v2 and just received 2 V3s … very nice upgrades the V3 and priced competitively for sure. But the one thing I absolutely despise, is the app. I can not even fathom having any other device on this app to control. You folks who buy the watches and bulbs and vacuums…etc are real troopers for putting up with this app the way it is.
Now, Gwen did say landscape was at least talked about. Certain things have come up over the past year and times are tough for a lot of folks. It is understandable that certain sprints would take a sideline during say, month long lockdowns … but WYZE, trust me, this hole that is being dug is just going to get deeper and harder to get out of, the longer you wait to go “universal.”
WYZE has a tonne of products that ‘mostly’ do our bidding, but only one app … to rule them all.
You may find TinyCam does a better job for you and it can talk to the Wyzecams natively…
What’s the heck is going on here!?!? 3 years and they still can’t get this done? This should be very very basic functionality. Every other app has managed to do this. No dark mode either. Helloooooo!?!? Has the app been abandoned?
Don’t mind me guys. Just using the Wyze app on my iPad. You’ll notice I’m not using it in landscape. That’s because there still isn’t any ALMOST A HALF A DECADE AFTER IT WAS PROMISED!! But hey, how about those Wyze headphones no one asked for?
Landscape mode…
Wyze can make it happen, they choose not to.
We used to buy cameras every month. But stopped last year because how cumbersome it it to use them in the app. Our family is a heavy smartphone & tablet user family. We have a laptop only because it’s provided by work.
I wanted the v3 and outdoor cameras (the other products intrigue me) but I refuse to buy Wyze products now because the app sucks.
We are now looking at other products to replace Wyze. So, we’re breaking up. It’s not me Wyze, IT’S YOU!
Get Android!
What does that have to do with anything? Landscape isn’t available in Android or IOS.
Well yeah, but TinyCam is available exclusively for Android, which solves the landscape problem for Wyze cameras (only). Maybe that’s what he or she meant.
Is tinycam an app or a camera?
If its an app - how does the app see the wye camera?
It’s an Android app. You give (and trust) it with your regular Wyze credentials and it accesses the cameras via the same local and P2P networking used by the regular Wyze app. Many people including me have taken that leap and love the little thing. Very capable and flexible.
Same here. Was excited about the v3, but it’s stupid to buy anymore Wyze cams when Wyze can’t get UX/UI basics right.
Don’t mind me either… just sitting here scrolling through my events…
Tapping my heels together…wishing my iPad 12.9 in Landscape mode might see a Wyze App 3.x that actually is aware that iPads are sometimes, and in my case, ALL THE TIME, used in Landscape mode….
Posted: 06-01-2021
943 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for iPad App
943 Days and Counting waiting for a fully compliant Wyze for Android Tablet App
Just bought 4 v3 cams, useless to monitor on any iOS or Android tablet. WTF ? Not everyone uses their iPhones. NEED landscape view!!!,!,
I will be returning all Wyze product from my home
I agree totally, I bought into the Wyze ecosystem thinking that, hey they don’t have a Mac app, maybe they are making the iPad app better.
Nope, it’s the same crap software that only works well on a phone in portrait. The hardware is great, please let me view my cameras on something other than an iPhone