Is there a notification schedule?

Is there a way to turn of just the notifications at 9pm and back on at 5:00am and hopefully at 5:00am get all the missed notifications?

I have spiders that love to build webs in front of my cameras and I get notifications every 3 or 4 minutes all night long on my apple watch which I wear to bed ( I use focus and no other interruptions occur, just wyze)- so no sleep until I can go out and use a broom on a pole to sweep the camera. I also need to still be able to get a notification in the morning if someone was on the property.

Yes, using automations in the app, formerly called rules.

If you have your notifications disabled, then you will not get any notifications that would have happened. You would be able to see any event that happened though be visiting the event tab to see what occured previously it your left “detected motion” enabled. If you disabled detects motion instead, you wouldn’t get cloud events or notifications.

If you had cam plus you could have person only notifications, which would hopefully only alert to actual detected people.

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