How to Use the Wishlist

Sure thing!

  • launched - Has already been sent out to the public.
  • testing - Usually means that it’s in beta testing though recently we used this for alpha features.
  • in-development - Means that we’re actively working on it but we’re not ready for external testing.
  • researching - We’re looking into this and trying to select a good method for implementation but we’re not at a point of working on it yet.
  • maybe-later - This isn’t on our internal roadmap at this point but we’ve seen and considered it. Sometimes features that we plan to implement later but haven’t come up in the pipeline are in this category.

As for the in-development items, many of these had more votes with previous voting methods. But while there is a strong correlation between requests and features we work on, it’s not a perfect one. This is impacted by our ability to deliver the feature, if we found a method to implement it during the research stage, if something paves the way for a future feature, company goals, and what our resources are. Many of the features that we’re currently working on entered the pipeline before the Roadmap launched.