How to turn a camera off with the 3.1 app

Why is there no place to turn the cam off on the device page of the 3.1 app.?
So do I have to add a camera to favorites to turn it on and off with the app and then remove it from favorites again. @#$% that.

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Man up, John Henry.

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Open the live view of the camera from device list. You then have the options at the bottom of the screen which includes turning the camera off. Too many steps, I know, but that’s how it is.

Why would you want to turn a camera off? :thinking:

In the movie 1984, only the elites could do that.

I’m never going to update my phone. :rage:
Easier with the 2.5


That’s what Homer said about meatless baloney. Now he loves it. :grin:


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