Hi, been using 10 Wyze V4 cameras (with SD cards) for about 1.5 months. Just received notice from Xfinity that I am approaching my 1.2 TB limit for home internet. We normally use 300-500 GB per month per Xfinity records, but January we are already at 970 GB with 5 days remaining. The cameras worked great, had the Wyze Web Browser open all day, all cameras streaming day/night. I guess that was not a good idea. I work at my desktop about 4 hrs a day, just got used to having the cameras open on the Web portal. Could that add 500 GB to my monthly data use?
Would viewing cameras live stream on my iPhone be any better? I noticed there is no adjustable “cool down” period on the V4 cameras, so in a busy room I get lots of event notices. Suggestions?
Each camera uses approx 10 megabytes per minute. Multiply that by the number of cams and how many minutes per day and you’ll know if it lines up. It can add up quick.
Watching via the app will be the same, but you can decrease the resolution so they use less bandwidth.
Maybe it’s because you’re using “unlimited Cam Plus”. Each camera uses about 10 MB per minute, and there might be a lot of events, with your cameras sending the videos to the cloud
Thanks for the replies. New user here so still learning the Wyze v4 cameras. Pretty happy so far, until I found out about the high data use at home. Yes, I’m on the unlimited cam plan, and certainly lots of events being sent to the cloud. Is there anyway to decrease frequency of event recording? I think I heard the older cameras had adjustable frequency. My old other brand cameras were set at 15 mins between event recordings. The Wyze v4 seems to record virthually every minute. I could shut down recordings but that negates the benefit of having the camera.
Yes. I’m a Wyze Og Owner
On the app go:
Settings> Detection Settings > motion detection sensitivity > 65 by default. You can set 35 maybe.
Settings> event recording
Set Record event triggered by:
Only person or only cars.
The events are peanuts compared to watching the stream on multiple cams for hours every day. That’s what’s using a lot of your bandwidth. Reducing the event frequency, especially the “smart” events which use more bandwidth, will help some but if you want a significant decrease, you need to watch less cams at once, watch for less time, and/or decrease the resolution from 2.5K down to 1080 or ideally 360. This will only impact the live stream, recordings will still be at full resolution.
Cam v4 needs a cool down adjustment.
It has it if you aren’t a subscriber. I thought if you were a subscriber you could set one too but I may be wrong. However adjusting your sensitivity and/or detection zone should help cut down on the detections. Disabling “other motion” and “other sound” also will help a lot as far as detections and notifications, but not on bandwidth as all motion still gets uploaded for analysis. You’ll still need to adjust the sensitivity and block out areas that you don’t need in order to cut down on that.
Thanks! I’d like to decrease the number of detections without losing all the security advantages of the cameras. I know, a rather tough balance. I want detections, but if the same person hangs in the detection area for a bit, I get 10 detections/alerts. I could shut down the alerts, that’s ok, but still want some detections so I can at least go to the SD card and view the event. I was kinda sold on the v4 cameras seeing an ad of a business using the cameras for secutity monitoring, with the Wyze Web Live seemingly a nice feature. Didn’t expect the greater than 1 TB data use though.
You should only get multiple alerts like that if they are still for a while, then move, then are still again, then move again, etc.
Honestly the bandwidth on these cams is very very small. 10MB/Min is nothing. If you had higher end cameras with less compression you’d be blowing through that 1TB in no time. You can decrease the video quality to 360P which will significantly reduce the bandwidth used while streaming and not make a huge difference for general monitoring, especially when you have multiple cams on the screen at once (each one being smaller than full screen).
If you have Xfinity, from what I recall the areas with data caps you have the option of renting their gateway which gives you unlimited bandwidth, and it is cheaper than paying for the unlimited bandwidth option, so that might be a consideration too.
As far as reducing the detections, play around with sensitivity and detection zone, any maybe even the angle of the camera where it excludes areas you aren’t concerned with. Disabling “other motion” will help a lot too. Totally turn off sound detections if you haven’t already.
I appreciate the tips! Will play with the detection areas, sensitivity, resolution. I problem is I’ve become accustomed to having all 10 cameras live streaming on a separate computer monitor while I am working at my desktop computer. The Wyze Web Live portal is quite nice, like the quality of the picture/sound. Problem is I like to leave the monitor and live web feed on all day. I think I have a much better understanding of the process now. Thanks again.
That’s about 100MB per minute or 1GB every 10 minutes. I’m not sure if the web portal lets you turn down the cam resolution or not.
No, it does not. I think, not 100% sure when viewing all cams in a group window the resolution is automatically dropped to 360 dpi. Maybe something has changed recently
Based on OP’s data usage, it sounds like probably not. If you have 10 cams on the screen, it is a bit overkill for them to keep them all at 2.5K. I’m actually a bit surprised they don’t drop it down, you’d think they’d want to save bandwidth.
Especially at that size, even on a 32” monitor ten cameras would be small. No need for that kind of resolution.
I noticed that it is not possible to change resolution for certain cameras only. Change one camera’s resolution, they all get changed. Bit disappointing.
Perhaps on the computer monitor 2.5K is not needed, but I also use my iPhone to check the cameras, and the 2.5K looks so much better on the phone!
Hearing from some other people, starting to feel defeated, and to still get the benefits I bought the cameras for, I just might need to go Xfinity Unlimited.
So just as eggs and gas is climbing in price, my Xfinity bill will follow suit
I can neither confirm nor deny the above as I only have one V4. The rest of my cameras are V3s. If that is the case then looks like the cameras resolution is controlled via back end and that is not good.
Agreed when you view one camera at a time, but 2.5K is not needed when viewing cameras in a group.
I hear you brother, life is getting more expensive with each and every passing day.
I have the same issue of change one V4 Resolution they all change. I stated this months ago. I do not have the issue of high data usage because I seldom use the Web Portal to view my 14 cams. I have 10 cams V4,V3, V3 Pro all recording continuous and four WCO recording just events on Cam Unlimited. I just checked my Xfinity use and it was 531 GB so far for Jan. 2025. That includes 2 PC usage and two Televisions streaming movies from various sites. It must be the constant online streaming from the WYze portal.
Oh yes it is! I really loved the web portal, at my desk on a separate monitor! Excellent picture and easy to expand to full screen if needed. I think my web portal being on most of the day used 20-30 GB in a day, maybe more.
I only have a single v4, I thought at one point someone figured that it was if they were in a group the settings from one somehow impacted the others, but maybe that was disproven.
Seems many others have the issue where if you leave the live view up and you leave the app open and switch to another app, when you come back the v4 has switched to 360. Mine does that, but luckily I rarely do that, typically when I’m done viewing a cam I go back to the home screen or “swipe” the app closed. Just habit for me.