Getting Sound Notifications even when sent to off

To all,

I hate to add to this thread as it seemed to be solved but I am seeing something that may or not make sense.

I was thrilled with the Hidden Features solution it seemed to do what I wanted–get rid of the constant notifications. I was going to give it a few days and then decide if I wanted to create a log and open a ticket about the “Other Motion” not sticking.

Then I called it a day. I was up early and looked at my phone and the battery was almost drained. I said I could’ve sworn the battery was at 60% when I closed my eyes.

Then I checked my cameras and the Recent Events. What I saw was not good. I had hundreds, if not a thousand events. They were all “Motion” Events.

A bit of background. During all of this our county was experiencing a red flag windstorm. Yes, a lot of motion but before the hidden feature change my smart selections took care of motion.

This is where it gets dicey. I looked at the sd card and saw more events on the time line than I could follow. The following screenshot shows a sample of one of my cameras.

Its not in this shot but one camera had a timeline event that said 57 events.

Then I checked my android 14 notifications. I had one from Android and upon clicking it it opened to the following:

At this point I noticed that my phone, S21 Ultra, seemed slow.

It was time to undo the “Hidden Feature” change and reboot phone.

So this drained my battery.
Slowed my phone.
Made the SD timeline basically useless.
Gave me an Android 14 usage alert.

For the time being I’m going to live with the Harley going up and down the street.

I’m sure Wyze was not happy to see all this activity, but that’s their problem.

I’ve been a bit concerned as to why Wyze had not fixed this. Then my conspiracy brain kicked in and I said to self “maybe this is why it is” hidden".

Anyway, all seems back to normal. I realize the windstorm created this problem.

I’m going to keep testing for a few days. Hope this adds to the knowledge base.

p.s. Getting rid of the android warning was a pain. A reboot did not remove it. I finally had to go into Android Apps > Wyze > Battery and toggle the setting. Pain