Forum Operations Feedback Thread

It’s been there for as long as I remember, but it does seem to only apply to certain topics. I’m not sure if this is category based, OP based, amount of comments, or something else.


If I was a :dog: or a :raccoon: I’d be sniffing around it curiously. :slight_smile:

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Yes, the auto-close feature was applied to most categories a few days ago. Good eye! :+1:


I am selectively semi-alert. :woozy_face:


As @Seapup notes, the setting has been extended from just Beta to most categories. However, it applies only to newly created topics. Previously existing topics will not be set to auto close unless manually made so by a moderator. If you see an existing topic that you think should be set to auto-close, please flag it as “something else” and mention that.


That makes sense.
Thanks for clarifying!


How do you mark a comment as the Solution to a Topic you’ve created? I looked. I thought it used to be here:


but isn’t now.

Perhaps Discourse doesn’t feel me qualified to judge? :grin:

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I think it depends on the category. Wishlist for example you cannot mark it as a solution.


Aha! I think you’ve got it!

My Topics in Watercooler and Tips & Tricks aren’t eligible, I see, where one in Cameras is. :+1:



If you want to make a case for why those two categories should allow mark as solution we could consider making that change.


Solutions often present themselves to us outside of traditional categories? :man_shrugging: :grin:

But I am not officially making a case, only responding to a challenge. :wink:

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Found this while nosing around. Didn’t realize you could search by solved - even browse all solved topics if you hit SEARCH without adding other terms. Cool.


Thinking about this a bit more, I think that if a topic in Watercooler or Tips & Tricks presents a problem that has a solution, then the topic probably makes more sense in another category and we should move it. I’ll ask that if you see such topics, flag them and we’ll consider moving them and marking them solved.


Sounds good! :+1:

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Hmm, didn’t look super-deeply, but it looks like you may have expanded solutions to Tips & Tricks . The forum is a living organism. :slight_smile:

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We didn’t change anything, so if it’s available there, it probably has been for quite some time.

I do see that it is set as allowed in the category settings.

Maybe create a database with users setup… and types of products they have.

For instance, willing to help (yes/no)… area(State/County) Cable/Wireless provider… speed… modem manufacturer… android or apple or both… full list of products with check boxes for those you have…

This should be optional for those of us willing to help others with their problems. That way an individual might be able to reach out to someone with the same or similar setup to see how the other person does it. I don’t have any apple devices, so I tend not to try to answer people with those problems (unless I’ve seen a successful response).

Anything else?

Moved your suggestion here for better visibility as it appears your suggesting something for the forum.

I’d say this is already an option in your account profile settings. There are boxes that you can add geographical info and any other info you want. Check out @carverofchoice 's profile. Carver has a pure Carver-like rundown in his displayed profile info of everything you are requesting. :slight_smile:

Thanks for being the model here Carver :slight_smile:


haha, You reminded me that I needed to add a few updates too. :slight_smile: Thanks.


I would argue you could title yourself a Wyze recognized expert :wink:

the maven title sadly isn’t as widely known as it should be.