Firmware Updates - Released 11/6/2024

Today we are releasing firmware updates for both Wyze Bulb Color (2023 version) and Wyze Bulb Color BR30 that contain minor bug fixes.

Read our Release Notes:


Thanks please add html tags to the info on these updates and then jump directly to the updates rather than to top of webpage

Tags are easy to add to html pages.and to link to .;

Add a #…

Quite a while ago, I requested the same thing in future app updates. :grin::+1:

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It is such an easy fix.

Even if they just did it for new updates going forward . …

Yeah, and whenever I help another user here and refer to a specific product’s firmware, I try to include a link that incorporates the internal anchor with the accordion expansion so that whoever clicks it gets to the relevant content more quickly and doesn’t have to search or expand sections on that page.

I’ll play the devil’s advocate for a moment in this scenario, though, because often firmware update announcement topics that are posted here are for update releases for multiple products, so in that case a relevant link with the appropriate accordion expansion internal anchor would be required for each product receiving an update, and that would definitely require some more work, especially when Jason is posting these things to multiple platforms, each with its own formatting requirements/syntax. I imagine that he probably already has templates built with the generic (or whatever) to make the work flow easier, and that saves time versus tracking down, copying, and pasting each specific product’s firmware update release notes link for the post in each of the platforms every time there’s an update.

I get what you’re saying. I’m just arguing that the process change might not be as trivial as it seems and would definitely have a work/time cost, just to offer a different perspective.

What I definitely would like to see with these kinds of posts (and I think should be relatively easy) is appropriate tagging, so that this particular topic would be categorized as Wyze News and tagged with bulb-color and bulb-color-br30. That would add work, too, but it’s relatively quick at the time of topic creation and would make searching for appropriate topics easier, I think. :man_shrugging:

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Is a firmware update for color bulb minor fixes more important than fixing the missing doorbell duo mechanical chime issue for Android? A fix on a new product release should have top priority before sales start tanking if they have not already.

Come on Wyze engineering and support, please do better!!!

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