Firmware updates - Released 3/4/2024

We have many firmware releases going out today, most have just updated certificates but Wyze Bulb Color BR30 firmware fixes an error that caused cloud processing failures. :grinning:

Read our Release Notes:


Uh oh

I finally got a warning for the firmware updates.
I updated two outdoor plugs
I updated four indoor plugs.
I updated a BR30 bulb.
I updated six V1 bulbs.
I have not had a chance to test all the functionality, but the updates went on easy.
Thanks WyzeJasonJ


I just finished updating 8 indoor plugs and 2 outdoor plugs successfully. 6 of the indoor plugs were tied to V3 PanCams… all working as expected. As always, I did this one at a time with testing in between.


Is there a channel just for outages? This seems to coincide with all my plugs and bulbs going offline for the third time in 2 months.

When my Wyze devices go awry, I usually go to this thread first:

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