Current production & beta release have integrated a new event posting feature. (BUGS ME)
In ‘event recordings’ of cam settings when you enable ‘record event when camera detects’ motion/sound , this produces these micro clips (12sec. w/5min. cooldown for basic, full/unlimited for premium services) in the Event tab. These clips are stored to your account in the cloud per service level.
I have done further investigation into the changes of handling local storage due to these event handling changes. . It appears there has been some load balancing process put in place that is helpful but has a drawback. This drawback is related to my earlier observation of limited Playback time. A 2Gb SD was previously able to playback events from the day before but, currently that 2Gb SD has about a 2-3 hour live playback window. When looking at the 2Gb SD offline it contained almost 1/2 Gb of time based sub-folder (approx 2.5 hours of videos.) 3/4 of the 2Gb appears to be used for live playback and temp space needs … layman’s point of view … DEVs know best … ??
The latest beta version has addressed detection sensitivity issues from previous version and that would also impact local storage usage somewhat.
I have disabled these event recordings to successfully correct networking traffic issues and am now getting better camera connectivity and performance. Replacing my 2Gb SD with a 32Gb also helped solve my missing Star Trek dilemma.
Live long and prosper @oldgeek