Error code: -90

I started getting the error code : -90 on both of my cams (V! & V2) some weeks ago and tried most of what I’ve read here to no avail. So, I pulled the plug on both cams and gave up. I powered them back up today to try again, but and still have the error. Firmware and app version are up to date. I guess I could delete and reinstall if i could remember the setup procedure, but can’t be sure that would fix it. Any ideas ?

Sorry to hear you’re having issues. Because you didn’t specify what you’ve tried so far, here’s the connectivity troubleshooting guide, and the tips and tricks support pages. Please let us know if any of the information there helps you, or not.

Keep in mind that this forum is primarily a user to user community. If you don’t get a helpful reply here, I suggest you file a support request including the log files for more help. You might want to go ahead and submit your ticket now as there is somewhat of a backlog. If you end up getting the issue resolved before support contacts you, then you can always let them know that it’s already resolved.

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Thanks for the response. I deleted both cams and re-setup - both now working.