Doorbell Pro blue light

Is there a way to dim the bright blue beacon of a light on the front of the doorbell? It’s pretty ridiculous!


There is no functionality in the app today to do this.

You could request this on the wish list.

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Requests to change the doorbell (all versions) LED color, intensity (dimming) and on/off are consolidated in this wishlist topic. Please add a comment/use case and/or vote for this feature by clicking the Vote button in the upper left corner.


Weird, that item did come up when I searched the wishlist and doorbell pro tag, thanks @Seapup!

Edit: yea it did, I missed it.

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No problem! Thanks for the endless, invaluable help you provide here. thumbsup2

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Here’s my workaround… Installed a simple on/off toggle from the transformer to the doorbell. When the battery is low, I turn it on in the morning and turn it on b4 nite fall… Repeat when battery goes low again.