Does Pan Cam v3 blue light reflect on things

We see blue on a downspout or on the ground with pan cam v3. I think it is coming from the camera. Can I prevent that from happening? Can I turn off the blue light so it doesn’t reflect on objects. It is causing my MIL anxiety when she sees it. She believes someone is coming on her property and putting blue paint or something out there.

I would hope so. I turn off all status lights on my non-pan cams. I am curious as well. Hopefully someone will chime in.

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@cmbritt722 @ssummerlin

On the Pan Cam V3 you do have the ability to turn off the status light. It is located under the Advanced Menu Choice


I can see it reflecting off something very close by but off the ground? I guess maybe a puddle or something but it would be faint. But you can test by toggling the status light off and see.


My MIL is dealing with some dementia and if she sees it reflect off a downspout then she claims to see it everywhere. Im just trying control what is in reality. Hopefully if it doesn’t show up maybe dhe wont imagine it everywhere.

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Welcome to the Forum, @cmbritt722! :wave:

I’m genuinely sorry to learn of your mother-in-law’s struggle with dementia, as I’m aware of the collateral effects that can have on caregivers. I’m glad that you can be there for her and that you’re trying your best to minimize her anxiety.

I’m with @ssummerlin in turning off the status lights (for Cam Pan v3 it’s at :gear: Settings ➜ Advanced Settings ➜ Camera Status Light), primarily because I find them a bit distracting but also because I don’t want the reflection at night for the cameras I have behind windows. Like others have suggested, I’d try disabling that to see if it gives the effect you’re seeking.


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