Displaying Live Camera View on PC

Hi Everyone. I’m new to the group and way down in NZ! I have 3 cameras and from time to time I view them via the customer portal at work, but what I would really like to do is have them visible on my desktop as a small display window whilst working on stuff and not have them disappear if I click on my working page if that makes sense, Do any of you know if this can be done. It’s probably something simple but not being overly computer savvy it is beyond me! Thanks for any help.

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There are Android emulators for the PC, but Windows also has a built in phone link feature.

That basically just lets your phone display on your PC. If you want to run the apps totally independently of your phone, Windows 11 has native Windows Subsystem for Android support built in. WSA can be made to work on Windows 10 also but requires a bit more work.

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Welcome to the Forum, @KPKIWI! :wave:

In addition to the solutions @dave27 mentioned, this topic might be instructive:

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