Default position Pan Cam v3

Hello. I have a pan camv3. Since support had no explanation I thought I’d come out here.
Is there a default position of sorts on the pan camv3? Because I’m setting up the detection zone, the camera keeps ‘snapping back’ to a position I dnt want it to. I pan it to the position I want it to be in, then go about selecting the detection area. After a few seconds, the camera will back to the same position . How can I get it stay focused on a spot where I want?

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You presumably have “Pan Scan” enabled. Either make sure “Pan Scan” is disabled, or make sure there is only one waypoint set - at the desired location.
To confirm if Pan Scan is enabled, on the icon bar below the image (has SD Card, Take Photo, Record, & Privacy Mode), swipe your finger to the left to see the remaining icons. The next to the right icon is Pan Scan.
To check or set Waypoints, look below that row of icons. If Recent Events shows, swipe your finger down on the heading Recent Events. That will let you view and set waypoint. Use the small pencil icon in the upper right to edit the waypoints. Pan the camera to the desired location and set that as the only waypoint. Remember to hit save in the far upper right when you have made your changes to the waypoints.

I have found if you have waypoints set, always set the leftmost waypoint last.

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