Happy birthday @Seapup
So many mod celebrations, this might as well be moderator appreciation week.
Happy birthday to all of the ones listed!
Happy birthday and congratulations for everyone I missed celebrating during my unforseen absence!
I’m OK! Just had a rough go of things and some things had to take a backseat, and then I needed to take some time to grieve the loss of my furry companions. Just a lot happened in 2023.
The universe can’t kill me that easily. I’m scrappy, ya know. Hell, I worked from the hospital.
I am definitely back for the foreseeable future! Got all my ducks in a row, work has slowed back down, and I have more time to devote to this forum which I love so so much!
Now I have a bunch of catching up to do! Anything big I missed? Who’s got the tea?
Towel is back! Woohoo!
@seapup joins the 5-year club! Thanks for all you do seapup, which is a lot!
Congrats @Seapup !
So, you joined the Forums during Wyze week 2019?
Here’s a blast from the past! Looks like this was your first ever comment which was a Wyzies thread:
How appropriate that they revived Wyzies for your 5 year anniversary! The thing that finally convinced you to stop lurking and finally make an account and a comment. Thanks Wyzies for giving us @Seapup as a reward.
Congratulations @Seapup.
He seep up, like black gold, texas tea…
Thank you, @Seapup, for taking breaks from serving up handouts to the neighborhood hooligans to spend time with us here, and thank you for sharing your wisdom and judgement along with videos like that.
Happy 5 year Anniversary @Seapup!
Happy 5 year forum anniversary @Seapup!!
Happy anniversary @Seapup !
Happy Anniversary! @Seapup
Thanks all! Time sure flies.
Yep! I was lurking since Wyze app v1.x. I was watching the Wyzies while recovering from a broken fibula. I was looking for a somewhat portable cam to get a closer look at my front door with all the political canvassers pestering me. Thought I’d give a few Wyze cams a shot since they were under $20 at the time. Been hooked on Wyze ever since.
Happy anniversary! @Seapup
Hey! ICU !
Hey Peep!
Mavens, pffft, buncha flacks… Whyncha solve MY problems ya creepy wizards??