Climate sensor offline

What would cause a climate sensor to be offline? I checked the battery voltage – it’s fine. Pushing the reset button does nothing.

I have 2 thoughts:

  1. Poor radio reception at the hub from the sensor (too far away, or radio suppressing obstacles
  2. Battery performance/life

I have one outside on my front porch, and the rest are in various back rooms and the furnace room.

I’ve had no connectivity issues regarding the radio signal strength. They all show full strength, but the furthest sensor is only about 60 feet through multiple interior and exterior walls.

The only time that any of these have gone off-line, are when the batteries die, and I simply replaced them without checking the battery level.

While the batteries seem to last nearly 2 years in the indoor sensors, the outdoor sensor drains the battery faster, especially during the cold winter months when it is frequently below freezing. I just replaced the outdoor battery Oct 20, and it only lasted about a month this time, but it has been in the 20’s (F) lately both day and night.

The replacement battery may have been a poor quality replacement. It is also a lithium-ion battery, and in my experience, lithium-ion batteries do not last long in cold temperatures, but still show good battery levels when they warm up again.