Cannot change resolution of stream on RTSP firmware

This is a bit of a big issue for me, as I was setting up a stream viewer on a raspberry pi, so I need to get the resolution of the stream down so that it can handle displaying them.

I’ve seen Wyze staff say over a year ago that selecting resolution in the app should change it for the RTSP stream, but nothing seems to actually change it. Whether I’m on HD, SD, or 360p, the stream is always 1920x1080@15fps.

Anyone have a fix for this? Wyze Staff? Bueller? Defeats the whole purpose of why I bought them. Thank you!

You are correct. I was just making the same observation in a different RTSP related thread.

If we can get some control over the RTSP stream it would allow us to stream several cameras without overwhelming the wifi.

Would be ideal to be able to set RTSP resolution independently from the app resolution, but honestly I’d be happy if RTSP would just followed the same resolution as the app is set to.

Having it blast the full HD resolution no matter what really impacts my home network if I turn on more than 2-3 at the same time.