I’ve been using Wyze cameras for some time now. Last night my car was broken into and Wyze didn’t pick anything up. I for sure thought I would be able to watch the full video on the SD card since the Wyze plus didn’t catch anything. I went frame by frame on the SD card, You don’t see the pop bottle they left behind in one frame and then you see it in the next frame. You don’t see them breaking into the car. I’m a little disappointed.
Is your SD card set to Continuous Recording or Events Only?
What are your settings? Are you using AI/Smart detections? Those don’t work very well at night, especially if a person is wearing a mask and trying to stay out of sight. They may also have been carrying a wifi jammer.
You should always have an SD card set to continuous recording. That way even if something else fails (even wifi) you’ll have a failback where you can find the footage.
Welcome to the forum.
I see that you joined three hours ago.
Did your cam ever record or was it just set up recently?
I have mostly V3’s and they are set to record continuously, out of 30 cams there will be 1 or 2 that randomly decided to corrupt SD card and quit recording.
This is Not on specific cameras and randomly happens to any V3
You don’t notice until you want to review the continuous that the camera choked and quit continuous recording because everything else appears to be okay except the SD.
Running high quality SD cards designed for security cams made by SanDisk. Reformatting always fixes so it’s caused by the V3 at some point
Also the regular events too can miss things while another V3 with overlapping coverage catches the event, Wyze cam detection seems to be hit and miss sometimes.
Wyze Cams Are Definitely Not A Security Camera, they are just a hobbyist’s toy and nothing more.
If you want a true security camera system you will spend twice to triple the cost, If your goal is security and reliability Wyze cam is Not the choice…
Agreed, same goes for any wireless and/or cloud based camera.
I find them to be far more useful than that.
For someone that only has a few wyze cams, probably more like 10x the cost, plus the installation.
Continuous Recording
Continuous Recording SD recording
I’m using Continuous Recording to the SD Card. When they broke into the car I had a pop bottle in the car and they took the pop bottle and threw it in the driveway. If I watch the video on the SD card, one frame the pop bottle isn’t there, then the next frame it is.
Are you viewing the V3 SD via the app? Does it have a solid green timeline?
I would take the card out and view it on a different device with a card reader just as a check.
Yeah I’d be curious to know the answer to @Antonius’s questions, if you have a solid green timeline the footage should be there. Maybe your wifi signal is just glitching when you’re trying to watch the playback? If so you can try putting the SD card in a PC like he mentioned and watching it there.
I’ll guess there are a millions users who disagree with that.
Wyze cams do require a technical aptitude, some time and money to spend on them, some troubleshooting experience, sometimes some luck, sufficiently working phone and WiFi, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera.
That statement is not specific enough for new users. “High endurance” microSDs from any manufacturer are needed if someone wants the microSD to not cause an issue.
I would have to agree with @bryonhu . The cams do not provide security, but they offer very good monitoring capabilities. In the early days, Wyze used to say these are not security cameras. I think by adding more bells and whistles, people forgot.
Like said. Many will disagree. I also don’t believe you need high-endurance micro SD cards but you will find many others have a different idea. I am fine with that.
Wyze cams do indeed require troubleshooting from time to time due to bugs in updates., etc… I have no issues fixing them other than it WASTES my Time and time is money…
Also I have had numerous issues with build quality, specifically the lenses losing seal and taking in moisture. A known issue that Wyze seems to ignore because the cams outlast warranty period, And on newer models it seems the lens issues still exists by posts I have seen.
I quit buying Wyze cams at V3
I can setup and forget my Reolink cams, and they just work, even their updates don’t bring bugs to have to deal with.
Although in a year and a half Reolink’s only had one update to the App and the camera firmware has not been updated since installation.
How many Wyze updates in that year and a half?
And how many new bugs to deal with…LoL
By trade I work in IT and telecommunications and deal with professional grade cams like CoHu, WTI, etc…
I don’t want to waste time troubleshooting something that continually has issues created by Wyze’s software / firmware / hardware
Yes my SD’s are high endurance…
I remember back then Wyze stating they were Not Security Cameras
While there may be Millions that like Wyze that’s fine, Just like there are Millions that like crappy fast-food restaurants. Does that mean their Good
4-5 star restaurant’s ONLY for Me
So obviously my quality standards are levels higher than the general population
The Only problem child in my IOT collection of things is Wyze, therefore I am eliminating them one by one…
I should sell the ones that didn’t have issues with lenses and moisture to a Wyze fan I guess
I have around 20 good V3’s, 7 V2’s and 2 V3 pans that are still good… Want to make an offer on any…LoL $
Where is the fun it that?
Although, I have been quite lucky in my Wyze cams.
Now that is funny.
I personally don’t understand multiple updates especially firmware.