Camera battery charge

i was advised to post my concern/suggestion on this forum.

  1. wyze v2 outdoor cameras will not stay in livestream when i move to another room view, wyze support said that’s in order to help maintain battery life? this defeats the livestream mode and in effect is no longer a livestream. if this true (to save battery) why not leave it to the end-user to opt out and manage our cameras and charges?
  2. i have second base unit with two cameras that originally were installed with a cell phone i no longer own, and wyze support told me there’s nothing they can do to help me transfer to new cell, so i’m basically out of $200+ and these units will sit in drawer for eternity? perhaps something can be done?

Are you viewing these cameras with the travel mode?

Can you explain this more. Was the app on this old phone? Was the base connected to a hot spot on this old phone? Old wyze account? Need more information.

  1. not sure about travel mode? i dont see that setting. i have all cameras on but only the wired automatically load livestream on my cell phone

yes the app (i have two wyze bases) was installed on the obsolete cell phone with two cameras, wireless. at one address. it worked until i no longer had the phone. not a hotspot.

the second base with seven cameras work on my current cell phone.

So you have a second Wyze account now? The settings of a wyze account are saved in the cloud. Not on an individual phone or tablet. You can log in to the app on a different device using the same login username and password and your devices that you installed in that account will then populate the second device, because it pulls the settings from the cloud.

interesting. the cloud? sounds simple enough. IF i dont mess up the passwords, i am not sure how to proceed, i will pull the two cameras and try to add to the primary base with my current phone. appreciate your help. i will post the results and hope no more help needed on this one.

ok, i made no progress. unable to bring these two cameras (from my old phone) to connect with my new base. error message "“Contact Cam Owner” “Sorry, this camera is already associated with another account/”

You need to delete the cameras from the 1 account and join them to the 2nd account.

You have 2 Wyze accounts. On the old phone, you need to delete the cameras from that account. I would secondarily suggest to do a password reset on that account and make sure you are in control of it. The account has nothing to do with a phone. In the app (on the old phone), goto the lower right corner and choose “Account” and then select “Account” again on the Account support page. You will see who you are logged in as. Next, if you don’t know the password… you need to do a password recovery on that account to ensure you have control of it.

On the new phone, once the devices have been deleted from the 1st account, you will be able to add them to the 2nd account on the new phone. Same thing, make sure you know the account you are using and what the password is for that 2nd account as well. Reset the password if you have to.

and THIRDLY - - Great (FREE) Password Manager with a phone app.

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i think i am really out of luck for i no longer have my old phone, and no way of accessing,

If you don’t know what account you used for those cameras… then you are out of luck. You need to get control of that account to either use, or disconnect the cameras from. The old phone isn’t needed for recovery purposes. You can recover it on your new phone and login to that old account on your new phone.

Then when you disconnect the cameras, you log out and log back in with the new account.

Free Piece of I.T. advice… Either Use a Password Manager or get a Password book for yourself. DOCUMENT YOUR ACCOUNTS!!! If you don’t, this will happen more and more in your life.

Also, keep in mind that if you have a phone number and you start associating that phone number as a recovery phone for your most sensitive accounts on the Internet for 2FA reasons… you MUST … MUST … ALWAYS… retain control of that phone number. If you don’t… you will be irrevocably locked out of many accounts if you ever lose control of them.

Repeat this to your parents, grand-parents, kids, grand-kids…

I do I.T. professionally and it’s becoming real common for when older people are dying now, they have no documentation of their passwords and the family is just trying to figure it out the VERY hard way. And if they don’t know how to get into their phones with a passcode… then they are REALLY screwed.

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The WCO cams and base have to be deleted while they are online, cams first, if not you will never set them up again on a new account.


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