App usage and turning cameras off

I recently purchased 1 pan cam plus 2 cameras to help my family track my mother who is recently home from the hospital. She is also has altzeimers. I shared the cameras with family members. Today one family member had decided that the cameras will be turned off while she is there. So when she left, she did not turn the cameras on properly, they are all pointed to the ground. I now have to go there and fix them. Is there a way to block the turning off of cameras with shared people?

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I don’t think so. But how the heck would that solve anything for you if the relative physically moves or unplugs the camera again? What a bad faith actor.

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Unfortunately not. This has always puzzled me, and more granular sharing controls a major Wishlist item. You may vote for it here, which may eventually do some good :slightly_smiling_face:

But @Customer is absolutely right, people physically moving or unplugging cams is whole different set of issues! :frowning_face:


Other than appealing to a person’s good faith to cooperate by not moving the cameras, there is a technique to control when the electric power is applied to each camera, i.e., controlling the power so that the cameras are on “on” when desired and “off” when desired. Connect a smart switch, either by Wyze or some other supplier. Then, you could verify the power cycling of each camera through an App.

I don’t see how that helps the poster. He or she wants to keep them powered on. My “physical action trumps electronics” point aside, the app users can still turn the camera (nominally) off in your smart switch scenario.

I would be concerned about what activity the relative doesn’t want the cameras to see.


One set of shared cameras to watch the patient, a different set to watch the watchers…


Can I prevent people from turning off the came in the app?

No, you can’t.

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Two years, Angus, two years. And you just got the one slice of cake.

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I don’t know the history of you and and cake, but you sure hit the right note!

This was just a huge issue for me AGAIN today - setting up a quick cheap system to monitor some displays - everyone wants access but nobody is device literate enough to guarantee they won’t accidentally turn the cams off… :rage: :rage:

OK, now I see his anniversary…

You can’t have your pudding, if you don’t eat your meat!

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Yet another use case easily addressed with a non-existent web client.

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Get another camera, hide it, and don’t share it.

If this were someone in my family, I would think they have something to hide while they are visiting.

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One slice for every post. I posted a lot today. :smiley: :cake:


Hehe, Mr. Floyd.

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