AI Package notification limits

The ability to limit the time in between AI notifications.
The AI detected a package with my DUO-CAM-DOORBELL, AWESOME, except I now get a new notification every 30 seconds indefinitely, can we put a limit or time restraint on all AI notifications.
like package notifications every 30 minutes or 1 hour, or at least set it to just 1 time unless a new different package arrives.
currently the only option is just to disable AI notifications for packages.


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Feature Request - Once you have a package delivered it would be nice to be able to confirm it in the app so Wyze will stop sending push notifications about it.

I have the Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell and I noticed that when a package is delivered at my front door the motion sensor keeps notifying me every few minutes that there is a package at the door. I would try to turn down the sensitivity but I feel like it defeats the purpose of the motion sensor in the first place.

Since posting this on the forum I have received quite a few comments about repetitive package notifications and such. Also I learned about Wyze Package Detection which would hypothetically resolve this.

Feature options -

  1. Recognize once a package is delivered and only notify once or if package has moved.
  2. Recognize once a package is delivered, notify, and confirm with user so further notifications are paused for that package.

Forum link here - Feature Request - Once a package is delivered, only notify once or notify, and confirm with user so further notifications are paused for that package - Wyze Duo Cam Doorbell - #6 by jswoboda1

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