Activate several rules at the same time

I am looking for a way to activate the same rule in different cameras at the same time with out having to go to each rule and activate it

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Welcome to the forum.

Seems with automation tools this could be accomplished.

Hopefully someone will chime in.

Why not create one automation that does the action on all the cameras you want? You can add as many devices to an automation as you like, can even have each device do a different thing.

Hi Dave, thank you for your answer . The rule that I have has a trigger and then an action , From what I know and automation does not allow me to have an if …in different devices , only one at a time , that is why I am looking for a way to activate the rules in different devices at the same time

If each device has a unique trigger, then no you can’t combine them. You can combine actions off a single trigger though.

Welcome to the Forum, @andescur! :wave:

What detail can you share about what you’re trying to accomplish? What, specifically, is the goal? What triggers and actions are you using?

I don’t feel like I have a good handle on the problem, and I wonder if providing more detail might help others to offer possible solutions (if it’s possible to do whatever you’re attempting).


I have 4 flood cams pro.
In each cam o have a rule : if person detected then turn on a wyze plug
I have a very loud outdoor siren connected to the plug
When I leave home I enable the rule for each camera, so I have to do it 4 times

When I get home I have to go an disable the rule for each camera

I would like to find a way to enable the 4 rules at the same time with just one click and not having to go to each rule and activate them

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Ah, okay. That totally makes sense, and I appreciate the clarification! :slight_smile:

I think what you’re asking about has been requested in a Wishlist topic:

I’m not aware of a way to accomplish what you want to do in a single operation. I think for now you’re kind of stuck doing what you’re doing: tapping into each Automation individually to enable or disable as desired. If Wyze would implement some of the items requested in that topic, then I could see how it would be possible to create a couple of shortcuts that would allow you to toggle (enable/disable) everything in a single tap.

If you’re so inclined, please visit that topic to hit the Vote button above the initial post and share your use case in a comment!

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Its a hack but would work, place a second Wyze plug (#2) in between the outlet and the Wyze plug (1) that turns on the siren. Now you can control plug #2 and if its on, it will power the #1 plug and allow the siren to be controlled by automations, and if plug #2 is off, the automations firing will do nothing because plug #1 and the siren and turned off.