I bought a wyzecam 3 and set it up with a 128gb micro sd card. I turned it on and it is okay. When I turned it off, I left it off for a while. When I touched it, it is a bit hot to the touch. Is this normal? I can imagine it being hot or warm if it’s on but even when off?
Warm to the touch is a variable unknown temp. Can you explicitly measure the temp? Mine are warm but not too hot to touch. I haven’t turn mine off.
My friend did find his brick hot when the cam failed to work. He replaced the brick.
If you turned it off via the app, although it’s not recording motion events, it is waiting for you to turn it back on. So technically, it is still “on”… as in powered up and drawing current. That generates some heat. It shouldn’t be hot though, even when actively streaming video. It should be warm.
I turned it off for maybe 12 hours. Then touched it and it was a bit warm. I guess hot should not been the word I used. The thing is normally it’s warm when on right? Even when off? What if connected to outlet but off for like a day or more?
If plugged in, it will be warm, whether on or off via Wyze app.
Unplugged would be considered off. Plugged in is using electricity even when you select off on your app