Wyze V2 Doorbell not longer recording events or sending notifications

As I stated a couple of weeks ago, I replaced the Doorbell V2 with a regular doorbell and have an OG 3x telephoto pointed at the front porch.
People and package notifications work fine. Don’t miss the doorbell cam in the least. Can’t believe the arrogance of Wyze still selling this product and intruding new products while marketing and continuing to sell an item that won’t do what it’s designed or advertised to do?
Have also turned off auto updates on ALL Wyze products I own!


I had the weirdest thing happened last night on the version two that I’ve been having problems with. I put it on detect all motion and all night long between the branches waving and animals walking by it detected and I just can’t figure it out why it’s not detecting anything during the day with a human or a pet just doesn’t make sense. My front door version 2 has been working fine.

This just showed up on Discord:


Updated firmware on my 2 V2 doorbell camera’s. One works fine other one still having trouble with it. Still waiting for wyze to ok on a replacement one definitely something bad in it.

updated my camera today, seems to be working correctly now.

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Thanks for sharing your positive experience! I’m still a bit cautious given what others have reported with recent app and firmware updates, so I’m gonna give it a few days and let others be the test subjects. :grimacing:

Same, about 2 weeks or more with no events being recorded at all, even after the update today… Honestly the doorbell v2 is the worst wyze product I ever got, The v1 was much better despite the lower image quality, would much rather a v2 with better image from that doorbell than this.

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Yeah. Whatever fix this was, it’s worse than I was originally. I have to wait over a minute to detect me. Usually it won’t detect a person at all. If someone is experiencing smooth behavior on their doorbell on the latest firmware, let me know I’ve deleted l, restarted, reset the device and it’s extremely unreliable and I’ve paid for cam plus. My cam v3 cam plus lite devices are doing a much better job.

Nope still doesn’t record motion after update.

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Same here one is ok other not 1 person detection today. Set 10 log files so far.

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Yep having same issue. Just found this thread. Complained right after first update and they sent a replacement. I did not do the April update there on that unit and it worked fine for weeks until they came out with the recent update. I thought well they must’ve fixed the problem so I updated and it hasn’t worked since… I’m livid!

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Is anyone having success with the latest firmware update? Some people have said that there was no change.

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The most recent update was first pushed out in Beta for us to test, it was confirmed almost immediately weeks ago to not resolve the issues.
Then not a single update from Wyze until the same broken firmware was pushed out and announced as the fix.
I swapped out my NEST doorbell due to never having an issue with my V3 cameras so do not know if this is how this company operates, but outside of knowingly leaving us in the dark for over 6 weeks it pretty much implies that everyone who purchases the V2 will have the same issue.

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No luck with one of my version 2 doorbell cameras still. Look at the setup I have to do so I know when somebody’s at the door. Now how stupid is this. Come on guys fix the firmware if you think that’s what it is. I still think I have something wrong with the hardware in this one. My other one works fine.

Just installed mine last month same issues just during daylight. Works fine just before sunset and just after sunrise wonder if it’s a heat or UV light issue from the high sunspot activity. :person_shrugging:

Mine recorded once or twice when I first installed it a couple weeks ago. Today I tried other things and all of a sudden it’s recording consistently, at least for the moment. The one thing that I tried just before it started working was in Detection Settings I turned on the motion warning “You are being recorded”. A minute or two delay to actually see the event, but an improvement. I then added an SD card and things seem a little faster. Maybe this helps someone or Wyze to figure out the issue.

Are they going to recall the V2 or what? I can walk in front of it all day without it recording anything. Updates aren’t resolving the issues. Clearly it’s a hardware issue.

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This seems vague. I’m not sure if you’re trying to say that you’re unable to update your doorbell or that firmware updates are being successfully installed but not actually resolving your issue or something else entirely.

I don’t think that’s accurate. I have continuous recording to microSD and receive notifications for motion events several times per day on a relatively quiet street. I believe the current issues that are causing the most frustration were introduced with firmware version (8 April 2024), which was supposed to add Wide Dynamic Range (WDR), and then the follow-up firmware version (13 May 2024) was supposed to fix the notifications that the prior update broke, but many users are reporting that the notifications issue remains unresolved.

Because of those troublesome reports, I’ve remained on firmware version (24 January 2024), which means that I don’t get to enjoy WDR, but my doorbell is still otherwise functioning as expected. I’m trying to be optimistic that a future firmware update will resolve others’ issues and allow me to have confidence in updating my doorbell at some point, but from the outsider’s perspective it seems like Wyze is in no great hurry to fix this.

If firmware updates broke an otherwise-working doorbell before, then they should be able to fix it again. It’s not a hardware issue.


Same here no notifications during day at all. I think it might be the service issue being hit and mess doing it on cameras also just not as bad.

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Any idea when this will be fixed? Unacceptable

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