My thermostat keeps turning on and off. Within seconds of coming on, it turns off and my app says it is offline so it is no help when it is in this pattern. It is not my internet, I did a reboot earlier and that seemed to last me about three hours before I was woke up to that repeat clicking of on/off. I noticed it was oddly hot two nights ago when coming in from outdoors and wonder if that had been happing. Any ideas? Possibly others having same problem after August 21 update?
Possibly a failing power transformer in your furnace, if you share a photo of the inside of your furnace, I can show you the part to feel to see if it is very hot.
I’ve had it turned off since 1am, would it still be hot?
When you say turned it off, which of the following do you mean:
1: you cut power to the furnace
2: the thermostat is set to “off”
3: you pulled the thermostat off the wall
I flipped the breaker off.
I see that this furnace has had transformer issues in the past.
You might consider going up a size, if you have a 20va transformer, go up to a 40 va transformer, if you have a 40, go up to a 60, etc… Smart thermostats put an extra load on the transformer compared to traditional battery powered thermostats, and if this transformer needs to run the ac contacter as well, then it might be undersized.
Was it only restarting then it tried to run a specific cycle, or was it restarting constantly?
And no, if the power is off, the transformer is not going to be hot.
Yes, it had issues after a tree snapped the power line to the house after an ice storm. I get what you’re saying, just odd that it ran fine for two years with that Wyze thermostat.
I had to turn it off at the breaker because the thermostat was restarting every 5-10 seconds.
Thank you!