OK, I’ve been running my new Wyze robot vacuum for a couple weeks now. So far, I’m impressed by the mapping and the speed and the smarts of this vacuum.
However, so far this Vacuum has done pretty close to ZERO on the dog hair in my house. Yeah, the dust bin is pretty small to begin with. But it seriously does not pick up on strand of dog hair. I have a lab mix, rescue dog thank you, and she’s got medium hair. She does shed. I’d expect the Wyze to pick up some of the hair at least before it gets too full, but it seriously picks up zero hair at all. It does pick up a lot of dust, and due to a bad dust bin design, a lot of it also goes AROUND the bin instead of in it. But to completely ignore and not touch any dog hair at all it quite upsetting.
Wyze has made a lot of great devices, and I’m normally a 100% supporter, but this robot vacuum has me a bit perplexed. I’ve also recently found this same vacuum on the internet under other names. Wyze seems to have farmed out the make of this vacuum rather than engineering it in house. I hope I’m wrong on that, and that Wyze is working to improve this vacuum. But right now, I’d say if you have a pet, skip this vacuum and go ahead with something higher priced. My old Neato did far better and I’ll likely end up with another Neato at some point. I’m sure others will do better than this too.
Come on Wyze! You can do better!